2015 WC's

Yea He left his old coach in florida and moved to cali to train with john smith. I heard he said he always wanted to train with smith. Smith’s track record with athletes leaving coaches to train with him is not good. I know a few years ago, dix was forced by nike to go train with smith. That year dix opened up with a 9.8 at texas relays, the next meet he was hurt and its been a struggle ever since.

I never understood athletes leaving a good thing, just to try out another coach.

Wow… Looks like Gatlin is doing something right.

Well you know for years gatlin and tyson trained on the same track in clermont fl with different coaches. gat with dennis, tyson with brauman

Now Dennis has moved his crew to another track around the corner from the other track.

Dennis is cool as shit. He has meets at his spot every year catered toward sprints. Dennis will give you tips if you ask, not like some other coaches who wanna keep shit secret.

I assume Gay was forced to move like Dix when he switched from Adidas to Nike.

His performance may also just be a matter of age catching up with him. He’s always been more fragile than his contemporaries Gatlin and Powell.

I’m getting the impression that most of John Smith’s athletes did not manage to peak at the right time (ie now) this season. Have they changed their taper?

I would understand when an athlete doesn’t improve over a few seasons (being healthy). Maybe some athletes are moving out of frustration other for $. Having said that I have seen some crazy changes, when people have moved after after 0.4/0.5 sec improvements over 100 and 200.

Has Gatlin been with Seagrave since he came back? The only info I can find on his coaching situation is that Seagrave was coaching him when he came back in 2010.

There have been quite a few Americans from other groups that have performed subpar as well, e.g. Bershawn Jackson, Isaia Young, Clay, Dendy, the long jumpers etc.
Was it the food, travel arrangements, training camp conditions for team USA?

Masrahi from Saudi Arabia caoched by Smith ran a stellar sub 44s, just too early in the rounds.

She doesn’t have the best top speed, but she has the best finish. Bodes well for 200m.


from stats, the most successful athletes have had the same coach throughout their career. as one of the guys stated above- why change if its working but politics again between sponser etc

Gatlin has been with dennis mitchell since he came back.

yea, your sponsor will have you switch coaches, then when your performance suffers your sponsor drops your ass. A lose lose situation, unless your at the top of your class. Notice Nike signed gatlin, and he is still with dennis.

We are a pack culture, some athletes are happy to be in a pack knowing they may never reach their potential.

Forgot who told me that, no referencing.

nowadays the sponsers have huge say in “their” athlete. this is what I was saying in regards to the 100m outcome. I still honestly think gatlin was told not to win- I know I know, this might seen crazy or bizarre but read between the lines for the past 4weeks. the iaaf guys were bashing gatlin and as for the bbc press holy crap. it wasn’t too long ago when farah was involved but all hush hush now. yesi know some of you are saying-hey X-man wtf but please read between the lines. please!

Been happening for years at all levels.

I cant agree, because with the signing of 2 ped users gatlin and gay, nike effectively enacted “operation beat bolt”
Nike said wada can kiss our ass, we want to win by any means necessary. Watching gatlin cry lets me know he really wanted to win. Period
The only conspiracy I see is operation beat bolt.

Well said Chris.

Yep, I do understand and agree.
What I previously ment, guys have improved 0.5 sec from season to season and than even though improvements were truly amazing they have decided to changing their coach. Just wondering what they had in their mind?

I think Gatlin was for a time with Seagrave then went to Brooks Johnson then to Mitchell.