2 HI days- Is this enough in the long-term?


If you have an athlete making progress on two high intensity days is there a point by which it does not allow the athlete to get to truly elite level? Does anyone know of athletes that have competed at the highest level off only 2 HI training days per week? Should I being looking to switch things to three days eventually?

One of my high school athletes has made great progress doing 2 days a week. With him, he needs to have no more than 4 days off between hi days, or else his next session suffers.

I believe PJ’s guy was doing 2 hi days a week a few seasons ago.

Thanks ESTI

But does this stilll work well with a focus on two events? Does your highschool athlete double-up?

LOL. I have never heard of a HS athlete who doesn’t double (or more) except maybe vaulters. Seriously, why would doing more than one event lead to more HI days? Since a meet is high intensity I would think that the more events a runner does in a meet, the fewer high intensity workouts would be necessary or desirable, not more.

Hi Vedette

I should have made my self clear. Not double-up in terms of events on the day (competing in the 100 + 200), but double-up in terms of focus (training for the 100 + 200).