18 year old squatting 450 ass to grass!

The reason for the 20 rep burnout?

I am afraid I disagree. Even though the rate of force development is slower at loads close to max, the recruitment patterns are higher. This high recruitment of muscle fibres will cross over to other sections of the F/V curve.

Adaptations from F/V are specific to the sections of the curve. Lift heavy and slow and you will be slow

The will of getting up fast is important.

@19 i bottomed out with 6 plates/side… 575…weight 225…so !!!

so these number are warmup sets for me…


By being pumped up?

If anyone knows it, please tell me :wink:

Mo, Ato, Tyson, Olu, Asafa, and most definitely Carl could not do those squat workouts.

Dr. Squat would likely find them easy.

Who’s results would you rather have for 100m?

So ultimately what are you suggesting? Is it that they lack the endurance or muscular strength to complete them? Or is it that the ability to complete the aforementioned workout would signal to you that the athlete doesn’t have what it takes to reach elite levels in track and field? I seem to think that other elite sprinters such as Linford and Ben would have little trouble with such a workout.

I’m pretty sure Mo could squat 450 ATG. I think I read somewhere that Mo squatted like 420 with a 5 second pause? I think if he could squat 420 to parallel with a 5 second pause he could hit 450 once ATG. I am not sure but can anyone back me up on that or confirm that?