ZMA ultimate recovery agent

When said, say it in Arnolds “terminator” voice…

I previously had the Biotest stuff and it worked noticeably better than the Now Nutrition version that I have right now.

I thought it would be exactly the same but it totally isn’t!

Read ‘Game of Shadows’, you’ll never buy another tub…

z-12 is much better. Not sure what ingredient is doing the job but I have a feeling it may be the 5-HTP.

Just get some gaba. Much cheaper than z12. WHen I take gaba I always Have dreams about doing work.

How much do you use and do you just you GABA powder? When do you take it and what product do you use?


i have heard from a couple friends that zma isnt really that effective, and that its only “benefit” is a placebo effect. can anyone post a link to any research studies or something along those lines?

Was it SNAC ZMA or some cheap knock off? I have dozens of athletes who notice huge differences in sleep when taking it compared to not. Even if that is the only benefit, improved sleep can do so much in the general scheme of things.

i’m not entirely sure because they get their info from some “nutrition” coach that they have at their high school. and can anyone explain why exactly it improves sleep? i’m thinking about using zma but i want to understand why a combo of zinc, magnesium and vitamin b-6 would help me sleep first…

Zinc supports the pineal gland in the brain, which secretes melatonin, allowing for deeper and more restorative sleep to help insulin work well.

Magnesium has calming effects on the brain.

ahh, makes sense. i’ll tell them that. i’m curious as to why the “nutrition” coach says it doesnt do anything… thanks ESTI!

What is a “cheap knock-off” exactly? Zinc, magnesium, and B6 are usually the same most places. You can actually buy some more bioavailable forms of zinc and magnesium specifically outside of the SNAC formula.

and i’ve noticed that some brands have MUCH more magnesium/serving than others, with SNAC on the lower side. does more = better is is much more just unecessary?

Most people are greatly deficient in magnesium, particularly athletes. How much more magnesium are we talking about? I take much more than you will find in most ZMA supplements and have had improvements in muscle tone and the like.

i’m not sure how reliable this website is, or if these products are any good, but the mg/serving ranges from about 300 to 2500 (with SNAC at almost 500) ->

GOt mine from
I use it when I want a good sleep. Just 1/4 of a teaspoon

Great deal!!

People forget about about the effect on muscle tone. It might help to keep tone low because calcium intake lowers when taking ZMA. This can help with relaxing and sleep. I beleive Charlie mentioned this somewhere

just curious, would taking zma carry any negative side effects on bone growth for athletes who are not yet fully matured? i no calcium is important in growing people’s diet…

ZMA does not “low” calcium intake. Further, there are no side effects from anything hormonal with ZMA because all it is doing, if it has an effect at all, is making up for nutritional deficiencies that are common among athletes. I like ZMA and the like, but it isn’t a miracle. Just a vitamin and two commonly under-consumed nutrients.