WRCortese5's Training version 2.0

Thanks for the words, guys.

I’ve been training sporadically this week, not on a set schedule. I trained on Monday and Thursday this week. No set plan just yet, I just lifted and did what I felt like doing. Kinda random, but I’ve been busy with school and work so…

I’ll be back on a set schedule starting Monday with my lifting. As of now most likely leaning towards a M, T, Th, F split… Upper/Lower.

Would like to get my strength wayyy up. Break some PBs soon too hopefully :cool:

Do a WS4SB bro.

Today and the rest of the week I will probably train 3 days-- M,W,F.

Today was full body… I made this up just to do something different and fun that I’m not used to doing. Wed and Fri will follow suit with similar lifts.

DB Clean and Press (1 arm at a time, from the floor) 5x5x70’s
SS Bar Box Squat 4x5x205+light bands
1 arm DB Floor Press 3x8x80’s
Band Pull Apart 3x15xmonster mini band
Ring Dips 2x15xbw
Pull Up 2x20xbw
Bar Cheat Curl 3x8x90


A1.) Front Squat 4x6 (185, 195, 205, 210) 120 seconds rest bt sets.
B1.) Supinated Pull Up 3x8,6,6 (+45, +55, +60)
B2.) Dips 3x8,6,6 (+70, +80, +90)
-90 sec rest bt B1/B2
C1.) GHR 3x8x+25 lbs
C2.) Band Pull Apart 3x20,20,15 (monster mini)
-60 sec rest bt C1/C2

A1.) Tire Flip x5, 30 seconds rest
A2.) Alternating Sled Drag x30 yards 120 seconds rest (alternate bt forward and backward dragging)
-Ran through circuit 6x. Spent.


A1.) Power Clean 3x177, 3x182, 3x187
B1.) Back Squat 5x275, 4x295, 3x315, 20x225
C1.) Bench Press 5x225, 4x235, 3x240, 12x185
C2.) Bent Over Row 4x8x155


6x 20sec burpee with jump/40 sec sledgehammer tire strikes; 90 seconds between rounds.
-Felt good, probably could’ve gone a bit heavier on the squats; I think I underestimated the weight I could do for 20 reps. Now I know at least where I’m at- would like to get those higher rep numbers up.


A1.) RDL 3x6 (230), 1x15 (200)
B1.) Seated Cable Row-Palms in 1x10 (150), 2x8 (165)
B2.) Incline DB Press 1x8 (70’s), 2x6 (80’s)
-90 sec rest bt B1/B2.
C1.) BB Bulgarian Split Squat 2x 12,10 (65lbs. + purple bands)
D1.) Bent Over Lateral Raise 12,10,10 (25’s)
D2.) Standing Calf Raise 3x8 (185)
D3.) Bar Calf Jumps 3x30 (90)

Had some GPP stuff to do at the end but ran out of time- had to get to work. Tough session though, got it done in about 55 minutes including a 10 minute warm up.


I took about 8 days off from training. My low back locked up on me on Monday and was in pain pretty much all week. Had some minor spasm with the erector spinae on the right side, very tight/sore glutes and hamstrings as well. I think I might have tried to go too heavy that first week. Took it somewhat easy today…

A1.) Front Squat 4x6x185 (easy)
B1.) Chin Up 3x8,6,6 (+45,+55,+60)
B2.) Dips 3x8,6,6 (+60,+70,+80)
C1.) GHR 3x8x+25 lbs
C2.) Band Pull Apart 3x20x monster mini

Hey John, I’m feeling your previous template. Since it’s pretty much a football speed training template, I’m going to cop it and combine it with the WS4B program I’ve got going on!

Which template were you referring to?

The first few pages.
Mon - Speed/Weights
Tues - Tempo/Weights
Wed - Rest, or light activity/conditioning
Thurs - Speed/weights
Fri - Tempo/Weights

And the fact that football speed is short distances, I’ll take it any day of the week LOL.
(I know that I still have to do 6-12x100s or 5-8x200s BUT FOR TEMPO!! LOL)


Trained 3 days last week, just forgot to post it/write it down.

Front Squat 2x6x205, 2x6x215
Dips 8x +70lbs, 6x +80lbs, 6x +100lbs
Pull Up 8x +50 lbs, 6x +60 lbs, 6x + 67.5 lbs
Band Pull Apart 3x20x monster mini
GHR 3x8x+35 lbs

Backward sled drag x30 yards x3
Forward sled drag x30 yards x3

Not bad! Felt pretty strong overall today.


Been some time since I’ve posted on my log… I’ve been training though… Here’s what I did today.

A1.) 1 Arm DB Snatch/Push Press Combo 4 x 3; worked up to 90 lb DBs on last set.
B1.) Neutral Grip Pull Up 4 x Max (26,21,15,15)
B2.) 1 Arm DB Floor Press 2x6x85’s, 2x6x90’s
C1.) DB Farmer’s Walk 2x45 seconds x100 lb DBs
C2.) Band Pull Aparts 2x20xPurple/Light Band
D1.) Tate Press 3x12,12,10 (40 lb DBs)
D2.) Ab Wheel 3x10
D3.) Med Ball Toe Touches 2x30x25 lb med ball

Feeling pretty strong. Wish my gym had heavier than 100 lb DBs, I’m gonna start needing heavier soon for some of these lifts :cool:
Body weight hovering around 183-185… Would like to see myself above 190 within the next 4-5 weeks.


1A.) Bench Press from Pins worked up to 245x5; pins set at ~2" above my chest.
2A.) Pull Ups 1x30xbodyweight
3A.) BB Skull Crusher 4x12x75
3B.) Seated DB Clean 4x10x20’s
4A.) DB Lateral Raise 3x15x20’s
4B.) Band Pull Aparts 3x15x black
5A.) Band Curl 2x20x purple
5B.) Band Extension 2x20x green

-Pull ups were a little impromptu challenge to see if I could do it. Last few were “kipped” but oh well, just for fun.
-The bench press variation was new for me; Also known as “bottom up” bench or whatever else you want to call it. Basically utilizing the concentric portion only of the lift from the chest, then pausing on the pins between reps.

7/21/09 ME Lower

1A.) SS Bar Box Squat worked up to 265x5 on a 15" box and 2 second pause on box.
2A.) Walking DB Lunge 4x10x45’s
2B.) Kneeling Band Crunch 4x12xGreen
3A.) GHR 3x8x+50 lbs
3B.) DB Side Bend 3x10x65s
4A.) Band Pull Through 3x15xGreen
4B.) Hanging Leg Raise 3x20
5A.) Back Extension 2x20xbw
5B.) DB Shrug 2x20x75s

-I’m liking this higher volume stuff. Going to stay consistent on this program for a while and push the weight each week.
-Felt some slight pain on the lunges in my glutes, it was really awkward. Went a bit lighter on those…
-As you can see the lower body strength is a bit lacking… I haven’t heavy back squatted for weeks, let alone box squatted; so these numbers will jump up the next few weeks.

7/23/09 RE Upper

1A.) Neutral Grip Pull Up 3x Max Reps (27,21,16)
2A.) 1 Arm Incline DB Press 3x8x70’s
3A.) Standing Press 4x10x110
3B.) Face Pull 4x12xPurple
4A.) DB Rolling Tricep Ext/Tate Press 3x6+6 x40’s
4B.) DB Hammer Curl 3x10x45’s

Was low on time today so had to speed this one up. Not bad…

Haha funny thing is I did arms today as well as calves.
I got my supps today but Im not gonna start using them until Monday.


Been having some annoying pain in my right hand/wrist the last few days and I have no clue what I did for this to come about… Strange. Hope it doesn’t hinder my training this week but if so I’ll have to just tape it and suck it up lol. :cool:

One of my athletes completed 3 of the 4 quadrathlon tests today as he is leaving for school (Colorado) on Monday. I did not have all of the numbers to gauge upon prior to today, but I think he did well; mainly considering he tweaked his right hamstring 1 1/2 weeks ago running his fastest 40 ever on grass and a grade 2 AC joint separation 3 weeks ago laying out for a ball. He also managed to put on roughly 10 lbs of solid weight from 182 to ~193 lbs. He just turned 18 a few months back. Some results before/after…

Weight- 182 lbs
SLJ- 7’10" (March)
Bench- 210 lbs/155 lbs x 14 (March)
Back Squat- 285 lbs (March)
40- High 4.7
OHB- Not tested
Chin Ups: 20 (March)


Weight- 193.5 lbs

Bench- 235 lbs. (June)/ 185 lbs x 10
Back Squat- 325 lbs (June)
Chins- 34

40- 4.62h (Wet/soft grass- August)
OHB- 46’6" 8 lb ball (August)
3 Jumps- 26’7"
SLJ- 8’ 9 1/2"

I’m pretty pleased with how he has done from the time I had him up to now. He will be a walk on wide receiver in January 2010. Great athlete, extremely hard worker, and lots of room for improvement leaves me feeling that this kid has tons of potential left in him. I give him all the credit in the world for the strides he made- it just took some proper planning and a few minor tweaks from me to get him going :smiley:

Just thought I’d share with you guys :cool:

Bringing my training journal back to life. I will update after today’s training session… See ya then!


A1.) Bar Floor Press worked up to 230x5, then 185x8 (minus 20% of 5RM weight)
B1.) Blast Strap Push Up 2x Max Reps (23,20) w/ weighted vest.
C1.) Seated Cable Row 3x12x150
C2.) Face Pull 3x12x110
D1.) Bar Shrug 225x15, 235x12, 255x2x12
E1.) Bar Curl 75x15, 75x2x12 (modified thick bar- wrapped small towel around bar)

Giving this a run for a while. My goals right now are just to simply get my strength back to where I know it can be, add some muscle to my frame, and attack some nagging pains I’m still having. Will be including DE lower, RE Upper, and ME Lower into my training week, as well as some GPP work on either Wed or Sat.