WRCortese5's Training version 2.0

Thought I’d start fresh with a new training log, the old one was getting long.


Speed: 390

3 x 30 sled
2 x 30 3 pt
4 x 20e-20f-20e
Med ball throw for height x10

Hurdle Mobility Complex cooldown.


Bench Press 3 x 5 x 80%
*Bent Row 3 x 10
*Seated PC 3 x 10
**DB Shrugs 3 x 30sec
**BB Curl 3 x 10
Abs: 500

Felt great. Speed stuff was really good.


Another good session in the bag.

A1.) Depth Drops-18" box 4 x 3
B1.) Back Squat 3x5x80% (275)
B2.) Standing Long Jump x3
C1.) Natural GHR 4 x 10
C2.) Cont. Box Jump-8" x5

Felt good, I like the complex training combining the jumps with weights.

My right IT band is a bit sore, gonna roll that shit out later.

how long did the session last?

any cns problems with performing back to back cns days?

why is the IT band sore?

About 40-45 minutes including warm up.

Nothing to complain about (cns back to back), little less “pop” in the legs but still was good. Squats were fairly easy. Nothing too strenuous but still felt like I got somethin done!

Not really sure it’s been feelin that way for a few weeks. Only after a squat session though, I never feel it during speed work. It’s not a big deal, just something I need to take care of. Minor really, almost feels like just some DOMS.


6 x 100 @ 70% on grass. 30sec bt runs.

~250 abs during the warm up/training, ~200-250 in the cooldown.

Cooldown was 5 min jog and static stretch. Total training time about 45 minutes.

Are you still planning on playing college football?

Yes. I can’t do anything til Summer though since I’m not officially enrolled at the school yet, although I am taking classes for my undergrad prerequisites which I will have completed after this semester.

Pain in the ass sometimes as a transfer student but do what you gotta do.

look like an easy tempo body, how the body feel?

Overall feeling good. Legs are a tad sore but thats about it. My hips were sore yesterday from the hurdle mobility complex too lol been a while since Ive done those.

Tomorrow should be another good one.

Have you been doinga ny position speciic drills lately?

Some light agility work here and there but that’s about it. I’ll save that stuff for early summer.


Speed: 450
3 x 30 Sled
2 x 3 x 60 (15m intensity limit)/ Walkback recovery bt sprints, 5-7 min. bt sets.

Med ball throws behind/over head x10

This session was HARD, not gonna lie. My legs are still a little sore from the lower session on Monday, plus I haven’t done walkback recovery with sprints that long for a longgg time. Definitely had some drop off in the 2nd set after the first 60.

Hurdle mobility cooldown.

A1.) Incline Bench 3 x 3 (205)
B1.) Chin Up 3 x 10 (+25 lbs.)
B2.) Rear Delt Flye 3 x 10 (10’s)
C1.) DB Shrugs 3 x 10 (80’s)
C2.) Lateral Raises 3 x 12 (20’s)
C3.) DB Tricep Ext. 3 x 10 (30’s)

Overall I’d say good, wasn’t the most pleased after those 60’s but it’ll take some adjusting to Im sure.


Been sore pretty much all week. Most of the stuff Ive been doing (volume, reps, etc) has been fairly new so taking a bit of adjustment to get adapted. But it’s been a good first week.

A1.) Depth Drop 4 x 3
B1.) Snatch Grip DL 3 x 3 (315)
B2.) Rocket Jump x3
C1.) BB Split Squat 2 x 5 (135)
C2.) Split Squat Jump x5
D1.) Natural GHR 4 x 8
D2.) 1 leg Box Jump x5/leg

LOL sore, what have you been during before this. :slight_smile:

Not sore like I can’t walk lol. Just the usual DOMS, no biggie… :cool:

just giving you shit.:slight_smile:

Haha thought so :smiley:

Everything is feelin good. No soreness anymore. Should feel very refreshed after I do the tempo session today plus a rest day tomorrow. Should be a good speed day on Sunday.


Had to move yesterday;s planned session to today cuz of work. Still went well, feelin good. Lookin forward to tomorrow’s speed session, even though I just got home from work (3-midnight shift… :mad: )

-Set B warm up
8 x 100 70%, 30 sec bt runs.
~350-450 abs during warm, workout, and cooldown.

Brought my gf along with me and she did the same stuff, she liked it alot. But definitely was winded after about 5 100’s, had to take it down a notch to about half speed but still liked it.

Working til midnight really sucks… Especially when you have to work the same shift 5 days in a row… :mad: :frowning:

Post later tomorrow…