Yep, sorry I’m lazy about updating this thing on time lately.
7X40m 2 face down, 2 push up, 3 3-pt
6x30m Bounding
Power Clean 3x70% 3x75% 2x80% 2x85% 1x90% missx100%, 1x98% (235)
Back Squat 3x2x85% (335)
Bench Press 5x70% 5x75% 3x80% 3x85% 1x90% (275) 1x100% (305)
GHR/Hypers 2x10+20
-Pretty good session. alot colder home than where I’m going to school at though…
-Weight room was freezing! No chalk in there either so made the cleans a bit tougher than usual, plus the bar I was using had shitty knurling-- basically none.
-Squats felt great today, same with bench.
Med Ball Circuit (16 lb ball)
ext tempo 10x100 30 sec rest bt reps.
BB circuit- same as last week 2x10 for each exercise.
Planks 2x2 minutes.
-Nice recovery day, I feel pretty good. Looking for a gym to train at tomorrow, hopefully my uncles gym is open part of the day!