WMA Schedule Release


Look like I’m only running the 100 unless my wife wants to stay for 8-9 days… smh

WOW - Who do I need to contact about that!!!

So ill do the:
400 heat on the 27th
200m heat and semi on 28th
Final 200m and 400m semi on 30th
400m final on 31st

They say it’s final no changes. Maybe you try and speak with Doug Shaggy Smith.

Ill have a word with Margit and Brian (Brian specifically as he is the competition president for WMA) as that’s stupid!!

If they don’t change will you still compete?

Yeah but will likely be just the 400, though will enter both.

Heats are usually a little “easier” so if I feel like I am in good shape will do both. but… and a big but, I want to retain my title, so depends on where i feel I am.

Which age bracket again?

35s for me

Guess they think that Masters athletes dont have full time jobs.

How long you planning on staying?

We should plan to all connect while you are in our fabulous city.

To atleast finish the 100. Depends on the wife if I can run a round of the 200. THe last time they had the meet, 2 years ago, my boy was able to run the 100, 200 and 4x1.

sounds like a plan

When do you plan on booking everything?

A few of us from UK will be coming over for about 14/17 days probably from just before the its all starts (none of us do 100m) and then a for few days after. though we are thinking about going down into US for a short trip in NY before heading back. Would love a CF.com meet up

But for me personally that could all change, I coach a couple of athletes that have aims of Olympics next year, and of course if they go, that’s my priority.

And its the same time!!! how stupid :frowning: surely Tokyo should change their event right? lol

AirBnb anyone?

Ill probably book once the summer hits. Maybe June

I would strongly recommend much earlier - I have heard as early as March esp if you want a nice room near the stadium.

I live 10 minutes from U of T track stadium. It’s the center of the city and I strongly recommend booking accommodations as soon as you are able which is likely the new year.

Toronto is the biggest and busiest city in Canada and has tourists flocking from anywhere at any given time. Our dollar against the US is favorable which brings tons of US visitors here routinely as it’s such a great deal.

Our city has been experiencing the greatest development likely in it’s history and for this reason the prices are high but if you book early enough you will be able to get reasonable places.

I was planning on Jan or Feb at the lastest.