Why do sprinters do bench?

Every training system and cycle is incomlete in and of itself. It is, rather, the proper sequencing of training programs, blocks, periods, which will make the program complete.

So a wrestler could reach a point of diminshing returns on the neural drive for maximal effort In which case he would be better off maintaining the neral component while focusing on developing other strength qualities (hypertrophy, etc). In this case it is up to the coach to evaluate and decide where this point is and what qualities should be emphasized, while the others are maintained.


As much as i would really like to help, you will appreciate that I am very hesistant to make any recommendations about your training for sprinting as I have made my observations in a different sport and this whole thread has been about the transferability of neural improvements in ALL circumstances.

My argument has simply been that whatever merit the proposition may have in certain circumstances it did not apply in ALL circumstances.

Carson started to touch on some of the issues and on reflection perhaps the real area of difference in the “expression” of strength to which he referred is not that in sprinting it is over 10/12 seconds and in wrestling over 2/3 minutes but that in some of the examples I gave, including wrestling, you are in practice constantly exerting maximum and near maximum force whereas in sprinting you are not. My observation has been that in those circumstances transfer of neural improvements does not occur to a significant extent.

Of course neural improvements obtained in lifting weights may have some carry over to the ability to produce force when sprinting and nothing I have said has sought to assert otherwise. I simply do not know. Charlie I believe maintains that it does and as I have previously said it would be foolish to ignore his years of experience and advice.

In general terms, all I can say is that you should consider the questions of neural improvements and transferability in planning, then monitor your performance and evaluate your training methods accordingly.

One final point. You are making the assumption that 10 reps is for muscle
and 2 reps for neural improvement. I am not making that assumption or any distinction based on differing rep schemes.


I actually agree