White athletes should forget the 100m?

there is fast white guys but to bad there on wall street making money…

mena…kenteris…borzoff… they were dominate.

marita koch. 47.60… shelf forever…


let the church say “AAAAMMEN!”

And so it will come to pass…

Martn76 1:1 (The Prophecy)

Hee hee

The Great White Hope

L’ignorance e una brutta malatia …

ciao a tutti…

This is an interesting thread. You are all probably not familiar with the “Masters”, old farts, population of sprinters but this does not reflect the reality of older athletes. The older world records (80 years old +) belong to caucasians. I am a 54 year old sprinter so don’t qualify…yet. Just thought I’d bring another perspective to the discourse. Who has the world record at 100 years +? Last one alive wins. :eek:

Isn’t the WR for the 90 year olds held by some japanese dude? Broke the record the same day Powell ran 9.77 back in 2005…

No one will probably believe me,
but today (well actually yesterday, but I haven’t slept since so whatever) I met somebody who knew who WORONIN was and this person wasn’t even an athlete. The odds of this? Probably 1/1000000000000, they did happen to be polish, but with absolutely no interest in sports or anything, but they knew he was a 100m sprinter and had the record lol.

How did that happen to come up in conversation?

Well, if you look back on history, those who have always said “this or that isn’t possible”, have always been proven wrong or are about to be proven wrong.

Go ahead and say what you want about this person or that person not being able to be able to do something. In the end, though, you will be proven wrong along with everyone else who said “it will never happen”. Put up all the facts and statistics as the scientists who stated a sub 4:00 mile was impossible. Those sub 4 minutes people had more proof than you did, and look where there “theory” went.

But, if you really wanted to go down this road, would you be ok with someone saying that African Americans are less intelligent because of genetics or such? I mean, the proof is there. Compare races who go to college or graduate from high school. I don’t agree with any of this stuff, but the point above has the same proof as your 100m idea.

So, what does it all come down to you may ask? It comes down to culture and belief systems. People follow what others tell them they should do and follow what everyone else that they find to be “similar” do. That would be an explanation for the majority, if not all, of the stereotypes.

Thats interesting. African Americans are no less intelligent than any other group. If African American’s had started on an equal footing then we can say that, but as we know thats not the case.

When its first past the post and no judgement or prejudice, control of funds or social segregation is used as a way of control, then it usually even.

To go to college you need to be educated to a high level in America with all its wealth you have created an underclass still based on race and when it suits you you use them to make yourselves seem more intelligent and richer and as scapegoats.

Lets look at other countries where Black Africans live in a sizeable number where education is relatively equal for all groups regardless of colour or creed. Lets take the UK, Black Africans not Afro-Carribean but Black Africans (I make this point because if your view is correct then by the fact that a sizeable amount of Afro-Carribeans are mixed; they should be out performing Black Africans because they are more likely to have white genes). Yet this is not the case. Black Africans are disproportionately represented in UK universities. In the UK East Asians are the new elite middle class, and whites are actually not going to university in the same proportions along with Afro-Carribean boys, the girls are well represented. How do you explain that one? Has their intelligence genes been destroyed? Is it global warming destroying their genes?

Lets face it if YOU lived a disadvantaged life you would be less worried about going to university and more interested in staying alive and living day to day.

Can you honestly say that blacks and whites and other races have the same life chances in the US?

What do you understand about intelligence?

Have you heard about 7 and 1 intelligence?

How does income affect intelligence?

How does education affect intelligence?

Nice try, but lets look at it at even a global level. Which continent is the least developed in the world that people live on (Antartica doesn’t count, because no one but researchers live there). Also, if you want to even go farther back, I believe research says that life began in a region in Africa. That means that people of African descent had a head start. Again, has the same vadality as this 100m crap argument. That is all I’m going to say.

So, if your going to agree with the “100m agruement”, then with the same logic, you would have to agree with the “intelligence agrument”.

if your going to agree with the “100m agruement”, then with the same logic, you would have to agree with the “intelligence agrument”.

One more point mutations may give some groups an advantage in some activity inadvertantly, but that same mutation may cause something like a blood disease or a muscular disease. It does not mean that other groups do not have the capability to achieve that standard.

Nature does not follow linear paths. Chaos has a part to. Mutation and crossover has a part to play.

Oh common stop feeling so hurt and stop talking about head starts and rubbish like that. what do you know about African history?
What do you know about African civilisations?

Have you read my posts in this thread?

Do a search for my posts on this subject then after doing so revise your post.

Stop taking it so personally and stop using arguements about intelligence when it pertinently abvious that you do not really have a clue.

You dont have a clue about what you are talking about…

How old are you?

Interference my friend is the reason for the underdevelopment. Divide and rule my friend is the reason. Economic policy is the reason; nothing to do with intelligence.

Economic rule
There are finite resources, if you control the flow of money and you can determine how much you buy from a seller, and determine if they can sell in your market; then no matter how intelligent they are you can control them, decide where to invest and so on.

This is the reason why you need to educate yourself. Read widely expand your mind be objective.

Let me educate you; in the 1960s The Republic of Ghana was in the top 20 for GDP and other economic markers. 60-80% of the population was educated. Who f**ked if all up non other than the CIA; bacause an American company did not like the socialist government. If you look at African history, the US seems to have had a hand in bring poverty through political unrest.

Hope this is a better try…

Other parts of the world that have developed like the tigers of Asia have HAD Marshall plans from the US. Where is the Marshall plan for AFRICA? Will never exist because people with your uneducated views purvey untruths.

The inequality in Africa is due to a colonial past. Same as India. The only difference for India is the inward investment coming to the country and the fact that the western media portray’s Indians in a better light.

Example AIDS infections in Russia and Asia have overtaken all other regions of the World according to Bill Clinton, yet the Africans are seen as having a higher infection rate. Why because of people with views like you…


Above all don’t become so emotional about these issues and start bringing up things that are neither conclusive, conducive or cohesive on this site… Read the posts properly. You may well be suprised that alot of those posting that White men CAN run fast are actually…BLACK LOL.

Loosen up… take a chill pill …or maybe not.

I have to say that it all comes down to what you believe you can or cant do. I forgot the person who said this but any ways, “wether you believe you can or you cant you probably will”.

Which American company was that, martn76? Just asking… Thanks!

Kieser Aluminium.

I just want to jump in and say that the 100 meters is universally measured, while intelligence is highly subjective. And one who could run a think tank may not be able to survive one night in the african tundra or asian steppes. In short…any race can match the accomplishments of any race. jmo

No you don’t! :mad:

Republic of Ghana didnt become a Republic until the 1960’s and from my understanding the decline had to do with limited resources and political unrest not the cia. Just my opinion, I am really indifferent as ghana really isnt my biggest concern in life.

As for intellegence it is a completely different animal than speed. Intellegence has to do with the privledges given to different groups of people, the type of intelligence talked about usually around 8 is acceptable some believe there are more than 50 others throw it all in a ball. The comparision between intelligences plays a role, who decides the scale of the different intelligences, etc.

On the other hand IMO no one has had a significant advantage in the 100m, everyone can run, a 10.0 or 9.77 is the same in all parts of the world. Also in terms of magnitude relating socioeconomic variation to the ability to display and foster intelligence to that of a 100m dash I do not think that there is much argument that those factors play a significantly larger role in the areas of education.