Which is Better

A very simple and clear question. Which is a better way to gain from tempo. To determine my 75% and pick the rest times to allow me to run the whole session within the range. OR put my program with very limited rest and do runs at may be 65%. In both I’ll be finishing the same as I started. But then which is a better progression. To progress through rest times and fix the 75%. Or fix the rest time and try to reach the 75%. The second method never seemed to give me any results even though I climb through it faster. Why?

What does your tempo workout look like? I normally use 30s between reps, 60s between sets and it works fine. In these distances:


Blinky that is a very interesting Tempo workout, I say that because I really like the exact same workout except I split up the 1 in hte middle


Earlier on in the year I also enjoy
2,3,2 X 5

Both are done on grass

What about the time?? do you do the whole workout in between 75% and 80% or do you start good and fade or do you hold it through out but at less than 75%? and what if I can’t hold it at 75% through these rest times. Should I cut distance or elongate the rest times?! Which is better. I know total distance if of some relavance in the tempo workout. So what should I stick to.

Another question is in regard to my back. My back has been injured since 2004 world indoors. It hurt my preformance there badly and I kept trying to treat it ever since. It was along my waist line from the back, right side!! Until I took an expensive injection in my back a few weeks ago. It started fading and it went all away. It was a helly like substance that makes a file inside the joint. Thank god. I start sprinting and produceing personal bests and after a couple of weeks!! The other side pops up. IT NEVER hurt me before. different pain. I am frightened. Injuries have been eating my carrier. I spent 1/2 and full years through injuries. NEVER soft tissue damage. Always joints and bones and ligmants tendons etc… I would love soft tissue injury over thes. I know I should’ve been in Athens and I know I should be in helsinki by now. But I HATE injuries. When I’m not injured I train 4 - 6 hours a day. But I don’t know what to do. I took care of eating, sleeping, supplements, massage, everything. And still I get injuries. My parents even baught me special sleeping foam surface so that my back doesn’t hurt. Nothing. I will post videos of everything. side, front, starts, top speed and how I transission ( where everything starts hurting ). I need serious help or I’d live an injured man. Sadly, doctors are VERY poor down here. Very poor. I regret the moment I left york university and came back to Egypt. If I ever knew about Charlie and where he lives and that he apears on that very track I’m standing on, I would have never ever left. But then I found out after I came home!! How Ironic. I would’ve found high quality treatment. Thank god on everything anyway.

I don’t know what my percentages are because I train for sports, but I’m doing the 100’s in 15-16s and the 200’s in 34s. You should make sure that you start the workout in the same times that you finish otherwise you’re going too fast. So, as long as you’re times are the same at the end of the session, feel free to cut the rest times. I’d try to stay at the 75% speed though.

When did you go to York? I was there 2000-01 for a brief stint… Good times.

I normally try to do a typical Charlie Francis session of something like:


but after those two 2’s in a row… I’m like screw it! I’m training for sports so a shorter tempo session of 1700m is probably good enough. :slight_smile: