What is your vertical leap?

You should just get some chalk and and a tape measurer and test against the wall. Quick, accurate and unlikely to destroy the family car. :wink:

I did this. The kid playing in the sandpit was furious. :smiley:

What are your reaches?

Iā€™m 6 foot 1.5 in" (1.885 m) and can touch 8 foot 1 in" (STANDING) when wearing my trainers/sneakers. This is an all out stretch. Of a run up my fingers marked
11 feet 4 in" on the backboard so that is 39 in" of a run up. My standing vertical at the time was 32 inches. This was 10 years ago when I was 18.
Next time I measure my verticals Iā€™m expecting to be quite a lot higher.

whatā€™s a vertec?

Itā€™s a vertical jump tester. Itā€™s considered the gold standard of vertical jump testing. Itā€™s the only way that I test the vertical jump for athletes.


standing = 30 inches
after 2 steps = 35 inches

If you are willing to lay down some cash, you might as well get a force platform, much more versatile and accurate than a Vertec.

Standing (no steps) was 29 inches.

How is a force platform more accurate than a vertecā€¦ force plates are MUCH more expensive.

Any ideas on what Ben Johnsonā€™s vertical was???

A force platform costs around $ 900 and base the result on flight times.

You can do the jumps in different ways and get different data according to the athletesā€™ characteristics.

Some more pricey devices can tell you how the force is expressed during the jump, which is even more useful than the mere end result.

IMO, $ 500 for a Vertec is too much.