WestsideWrestler Training Log

DE Lower Body
Speed Squats w/light bands, 10setsx2reps, 250lbs
Box Jumps 5setsx3reps
Hyperextensions 3setsx10reps
Band Leg Curls 3setsx15reps

Plate Pinching 3setsxmax time

RE Upper Body
A)Incline DB Bench 3setsxmax reps…28,16,12…went 10lbs(each DB) heavier today then last week, thus the reason why my reps are lower this week.
B)Tricep Pushdowns w/EZ Bar 4setsx6reps
C)DB Tricep Extensions 4setsx10,10,8,8reps
D)Chin Ups 5setsx5reps
E)Seated Rows 4setsx12,10,10,12reps
F)Hammer Curls 4setsx8reps

AB Circuit
Standing Wheel Rollouts 5x5
Side Bends 5x6
Med Ball Twists 5x10

ME Lower Body
A)Low Box Squat w/mini’s 420lbsx2reps!!
B)Bulgarian Split Squats 3setsx8reps
C)GHR 3setsx6reps
Wrist Roller 3setsx3reps

-Shadow Boxingx30seconds
-Shadow Boxingx30seconds
Repeated 5times, rested 30-60seconds between rounds


AB Circuit
-Standing Whell Rolloutsx10reps
-Saxon Bendsx6reps
Repeated 3times

DE Upper Body
A)Speed Bench w/Mini’s 45% of Floor Press, 160lbsx8setsx3reps
B)Incline DB Bench 3setsx10reps
C)Bent Over DB Rows 4setsx10reps
D)Face Pulls 3setsx15reps
E1)Iso-Hold DB Curls 3setsx8reps
E2)Rope Triceps Pushdowns 3setsx20reps

ME Lower
A)Parallel Box Squat 500lbsx1rep…attempted a second rep, but had to dump it
B)Walking Lunges 1setxhallway
C)Pull Throughs 3setsx12reps
Neck Harness 2setsx20,15reps

Awesome day today, very excited about the box squat!

-Shadow Boxingx30seconds
-BW Squats(RDs 1&3), Pushups(RD’s2&4) 30seconds
Performed 4rounds, rested 1minute between rounds

ME Upper Body
A)Close Grip Bench Press 300lbsx3reps
B)Elevated Pushups 3setsx20reps
C)Chin Ups 3setsx10reps
D)Recline Rows 3setsx15,15,12reps
E1)Hammer Curls 3setsx8reps
E2)Skullcrushers 3setsx12reps
Neck Flexions w/Band

AB Circuit
-Standing Wheel Rollouts 3setsx5reps
-V-Ups 3setsx15reps
-DB Twists 3setsx10reps

DE Lower Body
A)Depth Jumps 8setsx3reps
B)Pistols 3setsx8reps
C)Band Good Mornings 3setsx20,15,15reps

Light GPP
Round 1)
-Squat Thrustsx60sec
-Pull Upsx60sec
-BW Squatx60sec
-Med Ball Slamsx60sec
-Squat Thrustx45sec
-Pull Upsx45sec
-BW Squatx45sec
-Med Ball Slams
-Squat Thrustx30sec
-Pull Upsx30sec
-BW Squatx30sec
-Med Ball Slamsx30sec
-Squat Thrustx15sec
-Pull Upsx15sec
-BW Squatsx15sec
-Med Ball Slamsx15sec

No rest between exercises or rounds, 10minutes straight

AB Circuit
Standing Ab Rollouts 3x6
Russian Twists 3x6

You’re a beast dude. You train your as$ off!!

WR, thanks for the kind words, i truly appreciate it

DE Upper Body
A)Speed Bench w/doubled mini’s 175lbsx9setsx3reps
B)Incline DB Bench 3setsx10reps
C)Bent Over DB Rows 4setsx10,10,10,8reps
D)Face Pulls w/light band 3setsx20reps
E1)Iso-Hold DB Curls 3setsx8reps
E2)Rope Triceps Pushdowns 3setsx20reps
Neck Harness 2setsx12reps

AB Circuit
-Standing Ab Rollouts 3setsx12reps
-Saxon Bends 2setsx8reps

ME Lower Body
A)Parallel Box Squat 505lbsx1rep, 520lbsx1rep
B)Walking Lunges 1setxHallway
C)Pull Throughs w/Bands 3setsx20,15,15reps
AB Rollouts 3setsx10reps

-HK DB Pressx15seconds
-Med Ball Slamsx15seconds
Repeated 3times, which equaled one 3minute round, performed a total of 7rounds!

ME Upper Body
A)Close Grip Bench Press 315lbsx1rep, 330lbsx1rep
B)Elevated Pushups 3setsx15reps
C)Chin Ups 3setsx10reps
D)Recline Rows 3setsx15reps
E1)Hammer Curls 3setsx8reps
E2)Skullcrushers 3setsx10,10,8reps

Core Training
-VUps w/Med Ball 5setsx15reps
-Russian Twists w/Med Ball 5setsx8reps

Well, it’s been awhile since, i’ve posted in my log. Well in this time i’ve had a change of heart, and i am done with the whole wrestling/mma expierament. I’m going back to my favorite sport Football. I’ll be utilizing an upper/lower split 4days a week. I’ve also decided that i need something to shock my body and get me through my mini-plateau that i feel i am in, so that’s why my training will be from CT’s Super Beast program. I plan on training this way for three weeks, and then head back to a Westside style training program.

6/7/2007 Day1-Abs+Upper+Neck
A1)Standing Ab Rollouts 3x10
A2)Band Twists 3x10

A)Bench Press Isometric Action Training 3positions, 3setsx6sec per position
B)Accentuated Eccentric Bench Press 70% 5x2, 10second yielding phase 230lbs
C)Ballistic Bench Press(No Pause) 5x5 w/65lbs
D)2/1 Tricep Rope Extensions 3x10
E1)Chin Ups 5setsx10,10,10,8,6
E2)DB Shrugs 3setsx10

Neck Harness 2x15 Ext.
Band Neck Flexions 2x25

All in all, a good workout. I have never done a workout like this, so i am really hoping for some good gains from it. I’m pretty sore this morning in my chest.

Just an update…i’ve decided to say screw it…i’m sticking with Westside…it’s friday night i’ll take tommorrow off and start back up sunday just like the westside guys do…

Well today it was time to rock and roll!!

Dynamic Effort Lower + Intensive Conditioning
Pre Workout/Warm Up)Sled Dragging Forward, Backward, and Laterally for 10minutes
Main Workout)A-Dynamic Effort Squat 8setsx2reps 260lbs + Light Bands, 60seconds rest
B-Box Jumps 4setsx3jumps
C-Manual Glute Ham Raise 3setsx6reps
D1-Pulldown Abs 90lbsx3x10
D2-Trunk Twists 25lbsx3x10

Intensive Conditioning)Jacobs Ladder 15seconds onx15seconds off, repeated until i had 5total minutes of work.

All in all a great workout, i am truly in love with sled dragging. My speed today was tremendous on my squats, and i felt very explosive. Since i am now training for football i will be performing only one VERY short intensive conditioning workout a week. Obviously the conditioning demands of football are nowhere even close to that of wrestling/mma, however i truly enjoyed the intense conditioning workouts i did when i was training for wrestling/mma and thus i will include one a week to keep my conditioning steady. Anymore then one a week in my opinion is overkill for football, especially since i will be dragging the sled 3-4times a week and while it’s not an intense form of conditioning, it still is a form of conditioning.


Trained Abs immediately upon awaking(6:30 A.M.)
-Knee Hugs 3setsx20reps
-Light Russian Twists 3setsx12reps

Max Effort Upper Body (8:15 A.M.)
A-Medium Grip Bench Press 285lbsx5RM
B-One Arm DB Bench 3setsx12,10,10reps
C-Seated Row 3setsx10reps
D-Standing Face Pulls(love this exercise)3setsx15reps
E-Hammer Curls 3setsx10reps

Neck Harness 2setsx15reps extension
Light Band Neck Flexionsx75reps

Not to bad of a workout, i train by myself so i have no spotters. I’m definitly a pec bencher, because i feel and perform much stronger with a wider grip. I’m in the process of trying to gain some weight. All the intense conditioning that i used to do has me weighing in at only around 180lbs, so my new best friends are whey protein shakes and tons of oatmeal(by the way, my favorite meal just in case anyone cares, is a Choclate Whey Protein shake + 1Cup of Oatmeal!) Anyways, i’m chilling until i do some sled pulling later this evening.

Sled Dragging(Forward Power Walking)
-40ydsx70lbsx30minutes on/off…i can’t emphasize enough how much i love dragging my sled. I remember reading one of my powerliftingUSA articles about a year ago, where Matt Wenning from Westside Barbell said that a kid was running a 4.45forty at the beginning of summer, and started dragging the sled and at the end of summer he ran 4.27forty. I also remember that article saying a missouri QB shaved 3/10ths of a second off of his forty my dragging the sled. I can only hope i get those same results.

What made you want to stop training for MMA and go back to football? Where are you going to be playing?

Basically it had to do with the fact that while i am an MMA fan, i realized when i was training that it truly was not something i wanted to do.I am more of a fan of MMA, then i am a competitor. Plus Most of them guys start in some form of martial art when there young, and i had no prior expierence. Plus with the strength numbers i was putting up in the weightroom in conjunction with all the cardio and MMA training i was doing had me wondering what i could do if i decided to concentrate on football again(less conditioning + MMA practice). I also had played football from the time i was 9(pee-wee) till i graduated high school. I’m not sure where i am going to play. I was recruited out of high school to play at division 2 Clarion University, but i turned them down because i did not want to attend college(I took a year off from HS). I could always contact the CUP coaches again. I’m thinking with it being so late already it may be too late to contact them about playing this year, and instead walk-on during spring ball next year? I have been searching for a combine/scouting clinic i could attend and workout in front of college coaches and get my name out but i can’t find anything at all. Would you know of any? So in conclusion, I love football much more then MMA, plus i love lifting heavy and that co-exists much better with football, then it does MMA. I honestly think MMA was just a bug that got ahold of me, when the fact of the matter is my true love is powerlifting and football and at the end of the day i decided to do what would make me happy.