WestsideWrestler Training Log

3/4/2007 ME Upper + Conditioning Circuit
Bench Press 285lbsx 5reps…VERY easy

Conditioning Circuit:No Rest Between Exercises
A)Alt. DB Benchx8reps
B)Recline Rowsx12reps
C)Hindu Pushupsx12reps
D)Med Ball Slamsx15reps
E1)Bent Rowsx8reps
E2)Up Rowsx8reps
E3)Military Pressx8reps
Repeated 6times, rested 45-60seconds

Notes:Very productive workout, the bench felt great. The conditioning circuit, while not quite as intense as the lower body one, still packed a good punch.

2/5/2007 GPP
HK DB Pressx20seconds
Repeated 6times rested 30-60seconds

Abdominal Circuit:Standing Wheel Rolloutsx6,Band Pull Insx10,Russian Twistsx6reps…repeated 3times

Notes:Nice workout today, not super intense as my goal today was active recovery work. My conditioning is getting VERY good and i’m excited about that.

3/6/2007 DE Lower
Single Leg Box Jumps 5setsx3reps
Split Squats 3setsx6reps
Pull Throughs 3setsx10,10,15reps

Wrist Roller 3setsx3reps(up/down=1rep)

3/7/2007 Light Core Workout
Standing Wheel Rolloutsx5,5,5,5,5
Side Bendsx6,6,6,6,8

Notes:Not much to write about. I may be starting boxing this week, but i’m not sure. I went and met with the trainers of a boxing gym about 30-40minutes from where i live, so i am considering doing it.

3/8/2007 Afternoon Session:Minute Drills(3 rounds),simulated College Wrestling Match

Round 1
Punch outsx30seconds

Rounds 2 and 3
Punch Outsx30seconds

Rested 60seconds between rounds

Notes:This was my first training session of the day. This evening will be a weight training session. By the way, is there a better/harder conditioning exercise around then burpees…I DONT THINK SO!

Evening Session:Weight Training
A1-Bench Press 4x3reps 250lbs
A2-Pull Ups 4x3reps
B1-One Arm DB Bench 3x10reps
B2-One Arm Cable Row 3x10reps
C-Face Pulls w/Pink Bands 3x20reps
Plate Pinching 3xtime

3/9/2007 Lower Body(Lighter)
Box Squat 345lbsx4x3reps
Barbell Reverse Lunges 3x8reps
Glute Ham Raises 2x6reps

Abdominal Circuit
Sprinter Sit Upsx10reps
Cable Twistsx8reps each side
Pulldown Absx10reps
Repeated 3times

Notes: Good workout, got to the gym around 8AM. Barbell Reverse Lunges are awesome! Winter Break is here…thank god…10days off from college.

3/12/2007 AM Session:Conditioning & Core
-Med Ball Slamsx20reps
Repeated 8times, rested 30seconds
-Standing Wheel Rolloutsx5x6

PM Session:Weights
A-Speed Bench w/doubled mini’s 6x3
B-Standing Military Press 1x6, 3x4, 1x6
C-Close Grip 2Board Press 3x5, 1x3
D-Bench Pressx10
E1-Lateral Raises 2x10
E2-Band Extensionsx30

Notes:Great day of training today, the weight session took me only about 40-45minutes to complete. IFL Battleground debuts tonight, don’t forget to check it out!!

3/14/2007 Conditioning + Core
BW Squatsx36
Jacobs Ladderx30seconds
Repeated 4times, rested 60seconds

Standing Wheel Rolloutsx5x5
DB Twistsx5x10

My training was kinda knocked off track the past two days, so i just started over with day 1

3/16/2007 AM Session:Conditioning & Core
-Jumping Jacksx30seconds
-High Knee DB Pressx30seconds
-Shadow Boxingx30seconds
Repeated 5times, no rest, 10minutes straight of work
-Sprinter Sit Upsx12
-Med Ball Twistsx12
Repeated 3times

Notes:Good workout this morning, it’s amazing how far my conditioning has come. I feel like an absolute cardio machine. If all goes as planned i’ll be heading to the gym tonight for my weight training session, if not i’ll just do it tommorrow morning.

Shadow Boxingx30seconds
Shadow Boxingx30seconds
Rested 30-60seconds, repeated 6times

ME Upper
A)Weighted Chinsx5x5,5,3,3,2
B)Thick Bar Bench Pressx4x6
C)Seated Rowsx3x12
D1)Seated Front Plate Raisex3x10
D2)Face Pullsx3x15
E)Wrist Rollerx3x3(up/down=1rep)

ME Lower
A)Parallel Box Squat 440lbsx3reps
B)Barbell Reverse Lunges 3x6
C)Pull Throughs w/Green Band 3x12

AB Circuit
Standing Wheel Rolloutsx6
Pulldown Absx10
Saxon Side Bendsx6
Repeated 3times

how much u squat

Best ever in a powerlifting meet was AAU Junior Olympics in 2005, i squatted 551lbs raw at 216lbs and 18years old. It should be pointed out though that i was strictly training for powerlifting then, i’m currently 20years old and weigh between 185-190, my goal is 525lbs at a BW of 180-190lbs

HK DB Pressx30seconds
Shawdow Box x30seconds
Repeated 5times, no rest

Med Ball Wood Choppersx10
Med Ball Slamsx15
Repeated 8times, with little to no rest

RE Upper
A)Recline Rows 3setsxFailure
B)Elevated Pushups 3x20
C)Lat Pulldown 3x10
D)ISO-Hold DB Shrugs 3x10
E)Thick Bar Curls 3x10

AB Circuit
Standing Wheel Rolloutsx5
Russian Twistsx6
Repeated 5times

RE Upper Body
A)Incline DB Bench 3setsxmax reps…34,24,19reps
B)Tricep Pushdowns w/EZ Bar 4setsx5reps
C)DB Extensions 4setsx12,12,10,10reps
D)Chin Ups 4setsx5reps
E)Seated Rows 4setsx10reps
F)Hammer Curls 3setsx8reps
Wrist Roller 3setsx3reps

Pre Workout:Seated Cable Twists 4setsx10reps
ME Lower Body
A)Low Box Squat w/Mini Bands 380lbsx3reps
B)Bulgarian Split Squats 3setsx8reps
C)GHR 3setsx6reps
Standing Ab Rollouts 4setsx8reps

HK DB Pressx30seconds
Shawdow Boxingx30seconds
Repeated 5times, no rest

Neck Harness 4setsx15,15,12,10reps


ME Upper Body
A)Floor Press 315lbsx3reps
B)One Arm DB Bench 4setsx6reps
C)Band Pushdowns 4setsx15,15,12,12reps
D)Reverse Lat Pulldowns 4setsx8reps
E)Standing Rope Pulls 4setsx10reps
F)EZ Bar Curls 4setsx12,6,12,6reps

AB Circuit
Wheel Rolloutsx5
Pulldown Absx10
Russian Twistsx6
Repeated 3times, non stop

Interval Training
-Jacobs Ladderx60seconds
-Med Ball Slamsx20reps
Repeated 6times, rested 60seconds

Neck Flexion w/bands 2setsx25reps
Bridges 1setx60seconds