Max Effort Lower Body (12:00)
-Sled Dragging forward and backward power walking x 10minutes non-stop
A)LOW Box Squat(10 inch box) 425lbsx1rep, 440lbsx1rep!!
B)BB Reverse Lunges 1setsx6reps each leg
C)Mini-Band Leg Curls 2setsx25reps
D1)AB Pulldowns 2x15
D2)Trunk Twists 2x10
E)Plate Pinching 2setsxmax time
1)Sled dragging before my 2 lower body workouts this week, IMO have been better then the dynamic warmup i used to do like BW squats, lunges and so forth. Atleast so far, because the 2 lower body workouts i have had this week have been great!
2)I’m very excited about the 440lb low box squat. I did that with no spotter and while using a Valeo Fitness belt…haha. I’ve lost so much weight that my powerlifting belt does not fit me, so i am stuck using a Valeo fitness one.
3)So far, no luck gaining any weight. I woke up this morning at 177lbs. I am seriously thinking about eating a carbohydrate with every single meal i eat. I usually have 3protein+carb meals and 3protein+fat meals, but that is not helping at all, as i am actually losing weight!! Would there be any problem eating a carbohyrate at every meal? I’m also debating about whether to get up during the night and eat a meal.
4)i’d love to be 190-200lbs, but that seems so far and so unlikely right now. I can only imagine how much stronger i’d be with the extra bodyweight.
I am absolutely beat. I will probably stick with the 4day westside template for now and then ultimately switch probably to joe kenn’s tier system, because it is basically Westside Barbell for athletes correct? Plus if i use the tier system it will cut the number of lifting days to 3 instead of 4. Who know’s will see. I really like the traditional 4day westside split though and as long as i feel i can recover fine(which i always have) i may just stick with it. Either way i want to do something westside!
I really like jacobs ladder. It is low impact on my joints and if you really push it, your heart rate goes through the roof.
Trained abs as soon as i awoke(6:15)
-Standing Rollouts 5x5
-DB Twists 5x10
Max Effort Bench Press
A)Medium Grip Bench Press 315lbsx2reps…was hoping to triple it, but i don’t have a spotter where i train and was not risking a missed rep.
B)One Arm DB Bench 3x15,15,12reps
C)Seated Rows 3x10reps
D)Face Pulls 3x15reps
E)Hammer Curls 3x8reps
Band Neck Flexions 2x50reps
Sled Dragging
-Forward Power Walking 70lbsx20minutes non-stop, this may just be the best damn hamstring exercise out there
Notes:was hoping to sprint today, but i tried and once again my right quad will not allow me too. I have been able to sprint once in like the last 3weeks. It seems no matter what i do my right quad when i take off full speed it always tightens on me and i’m scared to keep pushing it for fear of pulling it!! I’ve been streching the hell out of my hip flexors so it’s not a flexiblity issue. It’s weird i can max effort squat with no problems, i can do box jumps and depth jumps with no problem, but yet when i try opening up full speed in sprints it tightens on me! I’m so pissed about that right now. Oh well, i guess i’ll just focus on improving my maximal strength relative to my bodyweight and keep doing plyo’s on before my squat days. The westside guys are explosive as hell with out doing sprints and by just doing jumps, speed squats, sled pulls and max effort squats, looks like that’s the route i’ll have to take!
Interesting day today. First off i tried sprinting, only this time instead of wearing wrestling shoes and sprinting on a basketball floor, i actually went to a track and wore track spikes and guess what? Everything went great, no problem whatsoever with my quad. I guess i am an idiot for trying to sprint indoors wearing wrestling shoes of all things!!
-Standing Rollouts 3x10
-DB Twists 3x10
-will be performing max effort work after my dynamic effort squat session this week
-hyper extensions 2x12
-backwards sled dragging 4tripsx40yds
-forward sled dragging 6tripsx50yds
Notes/Comments:Overall a very good day. Felt very fast today. Bodyweight has been gradually going up. Today i weighed in at 185lbs. Also what a great weekend of AFL playoff action it was! I can’t wait till monday, let’s go LA!