WestsideWrestler Training Log

1-30-2009 SE Lower

1)Back Squat 3x5x205
2)Weighted Crunches 4x10
3)Saxon Bends 3x6
4)Grip 4sets

2-1-2009 SE Bench

1)Concentric Pin Press 4x3x60%(200)
2)DB Bench 1x100reps
3)Chin Ups 4sets
4)Curls x4sets
5) Neck 100reps

2-2-2009 ME Squat

1)Back Squat 375x5
2)GM 5x5x35%
3)Abs 4sets

Forgot my camcorder at home today, which pissed me off. Next week i think i’ll belt up and attempt a true 5rm.

2-6-2009 Light Conditioning

1)Elliptical x30minutes
2)Band Pull Aparts x100
3)AB Pulldowns 3sets

2-7-2009 SE Total
1)Back Squat 3x5x225
2)Pin Press 4x3x200
3)Pull Ups x3sets
4)Face Pull x50
5)Neck x100

Nothing major these last two days. I skipped my ME Bench day this week.

2-8-2009 Hard Conditioning

Elliptical x10minute warm up
Band Pull Aparts x100

1)Burpees x12
2)Pushups x24
3)Squats x36
4)400m Run

2sets x30seconds rest.

2-10-2009 ME Bench

1)Close Grip BP 275x1, 315x2, 340x1
2)DB Press 1x100
3)Lats 1x100
4)Face Pulls 3sets
5)Forearms x100reps

There is video of 315x2

There is video of 340x1

Good day today. I was kind of nervous attempting 340, after i doubled 315.

Good lifts man. No spotter? I’d be nervous too trying to do ME work without one…

Thanks man. Yeah, i’m lucky if i ever have a spotter. I’m used to it by now. I’ve learned to pick and choose my weights wisely. I don’t use clips, that way i can dump the weights if i don’t get it.

2-11-2009 Light Conditioning

1)Elliptical x30mintes
2)Abs x7sets
3)Brdiges x2sets

2-12-2009 ME Squat
1)Back Squat 405lbsx4reps(No Belt)
2)GM 135x3x10

Was shooting for five reps, but decided to rack after the fourth rep. I wasn’t 100% sure i would make the fifth rep, so i didn’t want pinned. Don’t mind the swear word at the end of the video, my low back was KILLING me.


2-16-2009 ME Bench

1)Close Grip 275x1, 315x1
2)Floor Press 275x3, 320x1, 355x1
3)Bench Press 225x12
4)Triceps 3sets
6)Ab circuit 2sets

I think i am going to explore using multiple compound lifts on max effort day…atleast for the bench. I’m curious to see how i respond.

355lb Floor Press

2-17-2009 GPP

1)Elliptical x12minutes
2)Sprints from high start(80%) 5x30m, 2x60m
3)Sprint from regular start(80%) 1x100m
4)Running high knees w/short steps 4x50m
5)Standing Jumps alt. single leg and double leg x20jumps
6)Box Jumps x10

2-18-2009 ME Squat

1)Squat off pins w/ slight pause 405x1, 415x1, 430x1
2)GM 155x5x5
3)Grip 4sets


This is a pretty sweet exercise. I saw a video of jesse kellum doing this and figured i’d give it a try. I need to pause longer next week. My battery died on me at the gym, so i only have a vid of the 405. These squats were DEEP.

2-19-2009 GPP

1)Incline Tread Walk x10mins
2)Elliptical x10mins
3)Sprints w/ walking start 2x30m
4)Burpees x20
5)Med Ball throws x20
6)Jogging x20mins

2-20-2009 UB Pulling

1)Chins 5sets
2)Bent Rows 4sets
3)Lat Pulldowns 3sets
4) One Arm Cable Rows 4sets
5)One Arm Shrugs 3sets
6)Face Pull 3sets
7)Curls 4sets
8)Band Pullaparts 1x100
9)Neck 1 timed set
10)Pulldown Abs 4sets
11)Grip 5sets

2-21-2009 GPP

1)Incline Tread Walk x15mins
2)Burpees x15
3)Elliptical x15mins
4)Burpees x15
5)Running x15mins
6)Burpees x15

2-23-2009 ME Bench

1)Floor Press 315x1, 340x1, 365x1, 380x1
2)Bench Press 275x1, 315x1, 225x13
3)DB Ext 3sets
4)Rope Pushdowns 3sets
5)Ab Circuit 2sets

REALLY good day today. Might not be the most perfect floor press, but it’s a gym lift and i’m proud of it. I think it may be an all time personal best as well. At the very least, it’s a PR at my current bodyweight.


2-24-2009 GPP

1)Incline Tread Walk x30mins
2)Standing jumps alt single and double leg x20
3)Box Jumps x10
4)Grip x4sets
5)Neck 1timed set

2-24-2009 GPP

1)Incline Tread Walk x30mins
2)Standing jumps alt single and double leg x20
3)Box Jumps x10
4)Grip x4sets
5)Neck 1timed set

2-25-2009 ME Squat

1)Squat to pins…405x1, 435x1, 470x1, 500x0

All i did today was my max effort exercise. I had nothing left after 470 and i couldn’t move 500 at all. Nevertheless, 470 is a very solid number and i’ll take it. I’ll either try and break 470 next week, or i’ll move the pin up one spot and go for a PR at that height. It’s weird, but watching the video of the lift, it looked easier then it felt. I wish i would have jumped to 480 or 485, instead of 500…oh well.


Wow nice work, it did look easy. I like how pissed off you look too :stuck_out_tongue: How much do you weigh these days?