WestsideWrestler Training Log

6/19/2008 Lower Weights

1)Box Squat 60%x5setsx4reps
2)Band Leg Curls 2x20
3)Pulldown Abs 3x15
4)Plate Pinching 3x60,45,30sec

6/23/2008 Upper Weights

1)Floor Press 67.5%x4x6
2A)Bent Rows 4x8
2B)Lat Pulldown 4x10
3A)Face Pulls 4x15
3B)DB Shrugs 4x15
4A)Standing Rollouts 3x10
4B)Thick Bar Holds 3x30sec

Today was the first day, of my 50day plan i mapped out. Schedule will be(barring changes) 4on/1off, start back over.

6/24/2008 Conditioning

1)Burpees x9
2)Pushups x18
3)BW Squats x27
4)400M Run

Repeated 4times, rested 30-60seconds. I’m still building up, to the full blown interval challenge. Next time, there will be no modifications. May do some tempo runs or pool work this evening, to get ready for my lower body lifting session tommorrow. Will update log if i do.

6/25/2008 Lower

1)Box Squat 67.5%x4x3
2)Band Leg Curls 3x15
3A)Standing Rollouts 3x8
3B)Plate Pinching 3x60, 30, 30sec

6/26/2008 Conditioning

1A)Burpees x60sec
1B)Recline Rows x60sec
1C)BW Squats x60sec
1D)Med Ball Slams & Pushups x60sec

2A)Burpees x45sec
2B)Recline Rows x45sec
2C)BW Squats x45sec
2D)Med Ball Slams & Pushups x45sec

3A)Burpees x30sec
3B)Recline Rows x30sec
3C)BW Squats x30sec
3D)Med Ball Slams & Pushups x30sec

4A)Burpees x15sec
4B)Recline Rows x15sec
4C)BW Squats x15sec
4D)Med Ball Slams & Pushups x15sec

No rest between exercises and NO REST between rounds. Performed 10 straight minutes of work. Hopefully the rain holds off, so i can go do some tempo runs or pool work in a few hours. Before all of my conditioning workouts, i think about a quote from Vince Lombardi that goes “Fatigue makes cowards of us all”. It doesn’t help me physically, but mentally it gets me going…i guess i’m cheesy like that.

6/28/2008 Upper Weights + Conditioning

1)Bench Press worked up to 90% of Floor Press from 3weeks ago, then…-25lbs x2singles, -50lbs x5reps
2)Inverted Row 4x10,10,5,5…5 rep DO last 2sets
3)Reverse Close Grip Lat Pulldown 4x12,12,12,12…10lb DO last 2sets
4)Standing Rope Pulls to throat 4x12
5A)Neck Harness 3x15,15,12
5B)Grip Work 2xF

A1)Burpees x10
A2)Sprint x20sec
A3)Plyo Pushups x10,5
A4)Sprint x20sec

Repeated this sequence for 15minutes. Rest came on an as needed basis and lasted only 20-25 seconds at the most. After about 5-6 minutes, the plyo pushups slowly became regular pushups. So, i cut the reps to 5 after the 6 minute mark, so i wouldn’t defeat their purpose in the sequence.

I’ve made a change to my 50day plan. I switched to a HI/LOW sequence. Still 4on/1off, for now. Will perform either high volume tempo runs, pool swims or the elliptical on low days. Slowly but surely getting where i want to be!

6/28/2008 Upper Weights + Conditioning

1)Bench Press worked up to 90% of Floor Press from 3weeks ago, then…-25lbs x2singles, -50lbs x5reps
2)Inverted Row 4x10,10,5,5…5 rep DO last 2sets
3)Reverse Close Grip Lat Pulldown 4x12,12,12,12…10lb DO last 2sets
4)Standing Rope Pulls to throat 4x12
5A)Neck Harness 3x15,15,12
5B)Grip Work 2xF

A1)Burpees x10
A2)Sprint x20sec
A3)Plyo Pushups x10,5
A4)Sprint x20sec

Repeated this sequence for 15minutes. Rest came on an as needed basis and lasted only 20-25 seconds at the most. After about 5-6 minutes, the plyo pushups slowly became regular pushups. So, i cut the reps to 5 after the 6 minute mark, so i wouldn’t defeat their purpose in the sequence.

I’ve made a change to my 50day plan. I switched to a HI/LOW sequence. Still 4on/1off, for now. Will perform either high volume tempo runs, pool swims or the elliptical on low days. Slowly but surely getting where i want to be!

6/29/2008 Low Intensive Conditioning

1)Tempo Runs: 2000M
2)Abs x6minutes

Feeling good! I definitely think the switch to hi/low will pay off.

6/30/2008 Lower Weights + Conditioning

1)Parallel Box Squat…Heavy Triple…-50lbsx3, -30lbsx3, -10lbsx3
2)Band Good Mornings 2x15

A)Med Ball Woodchoppers x10
B)Med Ball Slams x15
C)Burpees x10

Repeated circuit 8times…Rest came on as needed basis…no longer then 15seconds. This was much harder after a squatting session!

I think on days where i work up to a TRUE max, i’ll cut the volume in half on my conditioning work. But, days where i only work up to heavy singles or triples, volume will stay as is on conditioning work. It seems like a good idea on paper.

1)Box Squat 60%x6x3
2)GM 30%x2x10
3)Standing Rollouts 2x10
4)400M Sprint + 20Med Ball Slams x2…rested 75seconds

Going to try an accumulation block here…from 60% to 75%. See if this stuff even works. I have serious doubts about lifting this way. The only way to see if this crap works, is to try, so that’s what i’m doing. I know i get stronger when i lift heavy every week, year round(max effort). But, this is suppose to be “superior” to westside, because ya can’t lift heavy year round, because it’s concentrated loading…or so i’ve heard. I anxiously await the results.

1)Floor Press 60%x5x6
2A)Pull Ups 3x8
2B)DB Rows 3x10
3A)Up Rows 3x10
3B)BB Shrugs 3x10
4)Hammer Curls 3x8
6)3 Minute Drill x1

So what happened from 6/30-8/1? :cool:

I still trained…i just quit posting my log here(still kept a training log in my notebook) when the board went down for those few days. The training was still ME work + Conditioning. I just thought now was a good time to start posting again with me trying out this whole accumulation/intensifaction concept.

8/3/2008 G.P.P. Burpee Intervals

1)5 Intervals x60sec work/60sec rest
2)5 Intervals x30sec work/30sec rest
3)Bridges(Forwards, Backwards and side to side)

-Good workout today. The burpee intervals were harder then i anticipated, even with an even work/rest ratio. I can say with 100% confidence, that i am in the best condition i have ever been in. It’s crazy to think of how far i have come conditioning wise, in just about two months. I went from being in OK shape, to being a cardio machine. Needless to say, i am proud of where i’m at, but in no way satisfied.


1)Box Squat 60%x5x6
2)GM 30%x2x10
3)Standing Rollouts 2x12
4)10 Burpees + 10 Med Ball Slams x10


1)Floor Press 60%x2x3…1xAMAP
2)Assistance was the same


1)Elliptical x20minutes
2)Abs: Circuit i created using various movements…8minutes

Nothing special today, recovery is the theme.

1-28-2009 Max Effort Bench

1)Concentric Pin Press 315x1, 330x1
2)Pushups x50reps
3)Pull Ups x5sets
4)Face Pulls x5sets
5)Neck x100reps

Long time no post, but i’m back. Pretty good day today. Those pin presses are HARD.


There is a link to the 330lb press.

Welcome back! DAMN, good work on those pin presses!

Good to be back, thanks for the comment!

1-29-2009 G.P.P.

1)Elliptical x20minutes
2)400m Run + 20Med Ball Slams x2

I’ve been skipping these types of workouts, but i need to stop that. I just have a hard time getting motivated sometimes, when i’m not lifting weights.