WestsideWrestler Training Log

Back…haven’t posted in a month. Been really busy with finals and i got sick for about 2weeks and lost alot of weight and strength. Need to get my weight back up over 200lbs. I have no doubt my strength will be back in a couple weeks.

Mon 5/19/2008
1)Squat 50x3, 60x3x2, 70x2x3
2)Bench 50x3, 60x3x2, 70x2x3
3)Flies 7%x10x3
4)Standing Abdominals x6x2

Going to be transitioning into a sheiko program, with the hopes of hitting a 405 bench.

Tue 5/20/2008
1)Elliptical x 30minutes
2)Abdominals x 6minutes

Wed 5/21/2008
1)Squat 50x3, 60x3x2, 70x2x3
2)Bench Press 50x3, 60x3x2, 70x2x3
3)Barbell Row 25% of Bench x10x3
4)Standing Abdomianls x6x2

I should point out, that i will NOT be doing the prescribed deadlift work on wed. I am strictly training my squat and bench press, thus there is no reason to deadlift. I actually think i’ll see even better gains, because the wed deadlift workout, always crushed me. I’m excited to see what type of gains i can make on my squat and bench. BW is up to 197!

Thur 5/22/2008
1)Elliptical x30minutes
2)Abs x6minutes

Fri 5/23/2008
1)Squat 50x3, 60x3x2, 70x2x3
2)Bench Press 50x3, 60x3x2, 70x2x3
3)Flies 7%x10x3
4)Standing Abdominals x6x2

Transition phase is over, monday the real fun starts.

1)Elliptical x 30minutes
2)Abs x 6minutes

Mon 5/26/2008
1)Bench 50x5, 60x4x2, 70x3x2, 75x3x5
2)Squat 50x5, 60x5x2, 70x5x5
3)Bench 50x5, 60x5, 70x4x4
4)Flies 7%x10x5
5)GM 30%x5x5

Tue 5/27/2008
1)Elliptical x 20minutes
2)Box Jumps 75%x15jumps
3)Abs x 6minutes

Wed 5/28/2008
1)Squat 50x3, 60x3x2, 70x2x3
2)Bench 60x6x4
3)Chin Ups BWx5x5
4)Lunges 20%x5x5
5)Abs 10x3

Thu 5/29/2008
1)Elliptical x 20minutes
2)Box Jumps 80%x15jumps
3)Abs x 4minutes

Fri 5/30/2008
1)Bench 50x5, 60x5, 70x4, 75x3x2, 80x2x2, 75x3x2, 70x4, 60x6, 50x8
2)Flies 7%x10x5
3)Squat 50x5, 60x4, 70x3x2, 75x3x5
4)Good Morning 30%x5x5

Sat 5/31/2008
1)Elliptical x 20minutes
2)Abs x 10minutes

Left knee was bothering me some, so i scrapped the box jumps.

Mon 6/2/2008
1)Squat 50x5, 60x4, 70x3x2, 80x2x5
2)Bench 50x5, 60x4, 70x2x2, 80x3x5
3)Pause Squat(3 sec in hole)45x3x2, 55x3x2, 60x2x4

Tue 6/3/2008
1)Elliptical x 20minutes
3)Flies 7%x10x5
4)Barbell Row 30%x10x5
5)Abs x 4minutes

Update: Last week i finally talked to the head football coach at the college i’m at. He told me they currently have 116 kids out for the team and that they are NOT taking any walk-ons. He said, the only kids they are looking for, are D1 kids who slip through the crack for whatever reason and offensive lineman. So obviously, i don’t fit that criteria. It’s disappointing, but whatever i’ll just move on. He told me to stay in contact, but i’m not playing no waiting game. Who knows where i go from here. I also last week, worked out with my old high school wrestling team. They workout 2-3 times a week over the summer, so i think i’ll do that to keep me busy. Boy am i out of wrestling shape though. I gassed after rolling for 2-3minutes. I was so embarrassed and angry. So since i am going to be doing that for the summer, i am going to switch my training to get myself back in wrestling shape. Here’s what i have done this week so far.

1)Floor Press worked up to a heavy single(340)
then did 60% of that for 3x6
2A)Bent Rows 4x10
2B)Lat Pulldowns 4x10
3A)Face Pull 4x15
3B)DB Shrugs 4x12

1)4x800m, rested 60-90seconds
2)Finisher=4x50m, rested 10seconds
3)Ab Circuit, Standing Rollouts x5, Obliques x30seconds, repeated 3times, no rest.

WED 6/11/2008 WARRIOR CHALLENGE(The Magic 50)
1)5 One Arm DB Snatches each arm
2)5 One Arm DB Swings each arm
3)10 Burpees
Rested 30-60seconds, repeated 5times…BRUTAL…Breakfast came up!! Was planning on doing another conditioning session this afternoon/evening, but i’m not sure yet. Will update log if i do. I do have to say, that i missed these conditioning workouts i used to do. What i have learned, is that aerobic and cardiac work DOES NOT carryover to this style of conditioning.

6/11/2008 Evening Session G.P.P.
1)Burpees x20sec
2)JJ x20sec
3)HKP x20sec
Rested 1minute, repeated 10times. GPP tonight was obviously much less intense, due to the warrior challenge i did this morning

6/12/2008 EIT DAY(The Modified Interval Challenge)
1)Burpees x6
2)Pushups x12
3)BW Squats x18
4)400m Run

Rested 45seconds, repeated 4times. Very challenging workout. I can already start to feel some improvements in my conditioning. Like yesterday, i am thinking about doing another conditioning session tonight. I can honestly say, i don’t think i have ever been this motivated to train. As corny as this may sound, i feel like something inside of me has sparked :cool:

Standing Rollouts x3x8
Obliques x3x30sec
Plate Pinching x3xF

6/12/2008 Afternoon Session
1)Burpees x15sec
2)JJ x15sec
3)Burpees x15sec
4)HKP x15sec
Repeated 3times(1st round), repeated 2times(2nd and 3rd round), rested 60seconds

6/13/2008 LOWER
1)Box Squat 455x1, 500x1, 545x0
2)1 Mile Run

I have a video on my cell phone of the 455. Mile run was much harder after maxing out on squats. I should not have jumped to 545, but instead around 520-530. I gave her a good fight though.

6/15/2008 Conditioning:Warrior Challenge
1)Pull Ups x5
2)Med Ball Slams x10
3)Burpees x15
4)JJ x20

Started the first circuit at 0:00, performed a new circuit every 2minutes, so it went(0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18). Workout lasted 20minutes. Goal is to complete 10 or more circuits in 20minutes. This workout doesn’t look like much on paper, but boy oh boy do you get hit with a rude awakening :).

6/16/2008 Upper Weights

1)Floor Press 60%x5x6
2A)Bent Rows 4x8
2B)Lat Pulldown 4x8
3A)Face Pull 4x15
3B)DB Shrugs 4x12
4A)Standing Rollouts 3x10
4B)Thick Bar Holds 3x30sec

6/18/2008 Conditioning

1)Med Ball Woodchoppers x10
2)Med Ball Slams x15
3)Burpees x10
Repeated 8times, rest came on as needed basis.

4)3 Minute Drill

Horrible, horrible, horrible workout today. I knew after my warm up, when i still felt sluggish and tired, that today was going to stink. Oh well, i fought through it though.