WestsideWrestler Training Log

3/17/2008 ME Upper
A)CG Bench Press worked up to 335lbx1rep, then 80%x4setsx3reps
B)Perfect Pushups 5x10
C)Inverted Row 5x8
D)Face Pulls 5x12
E)Hammer Curls 3x8
F)Neck 2x30

It’s totally amazing how much harder it is to lift without a handoff. I really need to move somewhere, where i would actually have training partners.



3/19/2008 ME Lower
A)Box Squat 470lbsx2reps
B)Good Morning 25%x4x8
C)Band Leg Curls 3x20
D)Grip 3sets

Very pleased with the box squat weight. I haven’t box squatted in quite awhile, as i have been doing close stance back squats with weightlifter shoes. Any one who has done the two lifts, knows that while a box squat carries over to a close stance back squat, it doesn’t work the other way around, atleast not for me. Body weight is up to 201lbs as well, so i’m also pleased with that.


Flex Band Good Mornings 3x20

3/21/2008 SE Upper

A)CG Bench Press 70%x7setsx3reps
B)DB Tri. Extensions 4x10
C)Pull Ups 5x5
D)Standing Rope Pulls to throat 4x15
E)Standing Ab Rollouts 3x10

3/22/2008 Extra Workout

Seated Chest Press 4x15,12,10,10
Side Laterals 3x10
Neck 2x25
Abs 10x30

Total workout time=20mins

3/23/2008 SE Lower

A)Box Squat 70%x8x2
B)Good Mornings 2x20

Besides watching march madness this weekend, i’ve done alot of reading about pat casey. What a great lifter he was. He was utilizing the “max effort” method in his lifting. The only thing is, he did not change exercises, just benched year around. Alot of those guys back then, utilized the “max effort” method, they’d work up to a heavy single and sometimes they’d drop 30lbs and do some doubles, then drop 60lbs and do some triples. I think us people who lift weights, could learn quite a bit from the legends of the past. I think now a days, everyone tries to be to “scientific” with their training, instead of just going in the gym and working hard. I have to chuckle everytime i read someone say that linear periodization or the concurrent method is great for beginners and intermediates, but not for advanced athletes? Why make a statement that is not true? Was pat casey and jim williams not advanced lifters, what about the westside guys or what about ed coan or kirk karwoski, were these guys not advanced? Give me hard work and desire, over any textbook any day of the week. Just because some “expert” says something, doesn’t mean it’s true. Pat casey benched 617lbs, with no handoff and a full 3 second pause, but i guess if he would have utilized a more “advanced” training system he would have benched over 700? Sorry for the rant, but this has been bothering me for quite sometime.

3/24/2008 ME Upper

A)Medium Grip 2Board Press 375lbsx1rep!, then i did 85%x5reps
B)Perfect Pushups 5x12
C)Inverted Row 5x8
D)Face Pulls 5x15
E)Hammer Curls 5x8

I really like changing ME exercises every week. I felt very refreshed today, doing a different exercise. The 375 was a PR for me under 220lbs. It’s not a all time PR, that was set when i weighed over 240lbs, but nevertheless, without a spotter and under 220lbs, i’m very excited about 375!

3/25/2008 Extra Workout

DB Floor press w/mini’s 3x30,25,20
Tri Pushdowns 3x20
Rear Laterals 3x20,15,15

Did some thinking last night and came to the conclusion that with a spotter and handoff, i think i can take 405 for a ride in a few weeks

get some video of you doin that, I think you can do it too man.

3/26/2008 ME Lower
A)Deadlift 540x1…85%x2x2, 70%x5
B)Band Leg Curls 5x25
C)Neck 3x30

I’m slowly getting back to my strength levels, that i had when i was strictly powerlifting 2.5-3years ago. BW is 205lbs now…hopefully after this block, i can be close to 215-220?? I orginally planned to do 5 doubles with 85%, but i was just wiped out after maxing. I think the deadlift maybe the most taxing lift, it definitely is for me. I wish i could pull sumo, but it just doesnt feel comfortable. I’d be able to use better leverage. I got short arms, shorts leg and a long torso, so i’m not built to deadlift…atleast not conventionally…lol. I’m making progress though and thats all i can ask for. My goals for summer…425bench,600 pull, 575-600squat…at a BW of 215-225. That’d give me around a 1600 RAW total.

3/27/2008 Extra Workout

DB Lunges 3x10
Good Mornings 3x20
Lat Pulldowns 3x15

Wow, i feel completely zapped of energy today. I know it has to be because of that deadlift. In more positive news(i think), i weighed 210lbs this morning…weird. Thats up 5lbs in one day? Obviously it’s just water, but still, i haven’t stood on a scale and saw 210 in quite awhile.

3/28/2008 SE Upper

A)Medium Grip 2Board Press 65%x4x5
B)DB Tri. Extensions 4x10
C)Chuck Rows 4x12
D)Standing Rope Pulls to throat 4x15
E)Pulldown Abs 3x12

3/29/2008 Extra Workout

1)DB Floor Press w/mini’s 4x20
2A)Rear Laterals 4x15
2B)Tri Pushdowns 4x15

3/30/2008 Active Rest

Decided not to perform a sub-maximal lower workout, as i just didn’t feel right performing the deadlift twice in one week. My low back, was still a little tender. So instead, just went for a good walk. In other news, my cousin came to me last night and asked if i’d make him a training routine for football. He says he wants to play d2 or d3 ball. He has asked once before, but then he quit training after about two months. I don’t know whether to take him serious or not. I should just be a prick and stick him on a sheiko program.

3/31/2008 ME Upper

A)Bench Press 275x1, 315x1, 340x1, 370x1!..No Handoff per usual.
B)Perfect Pushups 5x10
C)Inverted Row 5x8
D)Face Pulls 5x15

Was going to do floor press today, but decided to see what i could press with no handoff. I think training without a handoff, will pay huge dividends when i decide to take a stab at 405. Will definitely film the 405, but will only upload if the lift is successful…lol. I’m now officially convinced, that pat casey’s 617, with no handoff and full 3 second pause is the greatest bench press in history!

4/1/2008 Extra Workout

Triceps 4x10
Biceps 4x10
Shoulder Box 2x10

4/2/2008 ME Lower

A)Box Squat 440x1, 475x1, 500x1, 510x1!
B)Good Mornings 30%x5x5

Had a feeling i would hit over 500 today. I doubled 470 two weeks ago, my first time box squatting in awhile. 1Rep max calculator had me near 500 and while those certainly aren’t accurate all the time, they do give you a rough idea. Secondly, i have gained about 8lbs. I weighed 201 two weeks ago, today i weighed 209lbs. Unsure of where i’ll go from here. I’ll probably take it easy the rest of this week and maybe just do some light restoration week. I have no doubts, that i’ll be box squatting 550 in due time. As for what type of program i’ll utilize, i have no idea right now. I’m looking at 4options. 1.Straight Linear Periodization cycle, 2.More Westside Max Effort work, 3.Sheiko, 4.May try an accumulation/intensification type thing, although i’m not to familiar with that type of programming. Ah, the joys of weightlifting!

4/7/2008 WEIGHTS

A)Box Squat 50%x4x3
B)Bench Press 50%x4x3
C)Pull Ups 4x3

Did some thinking over the weekend and i am going to try and box squat and bench press 4times a week. Starting REAL light to get acclimated to such high frequency. I have no idea if this will work, but the only way to tell is by trying. Read an article about big Jim Williams(675lb bench in comp, 720lb in the gym) and it said he benched 5days a week…obviously it must have worked. Also, my best friend from high school, who is now a marine, was recently stationed in Miramar, CA. Anyways, he called me last night and wants me to move out to california and live with him. It wouldn’t be till mid summer, but i’m seriously considering doing it. Theres a community college 7miles from where we would be living, called san diego mesa college and if i move out, i think i’m going to try and play football for them.

4/8/2008 WEIGHTS

A)Box Squat 55%x3x4
B)Bench Press 55%x3x4
C)Pull Ups 3x4