WestsideWrestler Training Log

mad vol…

My joints would HATE me if I ever tried that routine out. More power to ya WW. :cool: Brave soul lol.

ya, i havent posted in my journal in awhile, but i was doing some maximal lifting over 90%, then recently the last two weeks i have performed a 2 week mini restoration block. The last time i did sheiko, i did not wear a belt for any lift and that was a huge mistake. There is just too much volume of work on the lower back not to wear a belt. So now, any squat 70% and higher i belt up and any deadlift 60% and higher i belt up.

Good choice. Are you still transferring out to CA to play ball or no?

3/4/2008 Tuesday, Week 1, Day2

Jacobs Ladderx20minutes

To be honest, i’d love to, but i am torn. I talked to the coaches at the university i currently attend(D2) and they have expressed to me that they’d like for me to be on the team. I sent out emails to Palomar, SBCC and Orange Coast last month. It’s obviously much cheaper to stay here and play locally, but i hate the weather here. I’m just not sure if going to CA would be worth the investment or not. My dream place to live is CA, but i’m not sure if it’s a wise course of action right now. If i had someone going out with me, or someone i could move in with, i’d probably do it. But i looked at places to live around the schools i’d like to attend out there, and it’s pretty damn expensive.

Yeah Im out in San Luis Obispo right now, all those places are within a couple hours of me. And you’re right it is NOT cheap to live out here unless you find roommates which would be a MUST.

It would definitely make it easier on you to find people you knew to come out here with. But at the same time, maybe you’ll come out here, join the team and adjust right away once you get to know people. Im sure the coaches would be more than glad to help to find you roommates on the team that you could room with. Our coaches at my jc used to do that all the time for out of state players. We had guys from Maryland, Florida, Texas, Washington, Oregon, Colorado all come out to CA to play.

But at the same time, I mean if the school you’re at has expressed interest in you playing, then maybe that could be good for you? It’s still college football ya know?

How you like SLO? Isn’t that in the middle part of CA? I guess my biggest fear, is that the coaches wouldn’t help me find anyone to room with. I’ve visited that jcfootball.com site you told me about awhile back and some users on the message board talked about how some coaches are not very helpful. Though i guess ya just gotta do your research/homework and find the right school/coaches. Yeah, your right about the school im at, it’s still college football, regardless of whether it’s d2. It’s good to have dreams, but you also can’t blanket reality and the reality is, i’ll never play big time d1 ball or get anywhere near playing professional football, so maybe i’ll just take the opportunity i have here? But for now, it’s time to get bigger and stronger…lol

3/5/2008 Wednesday, Week1, Day3
Deadlift to knees 50%x3x1, 60%x3x1, 70%x3x2, 75%x3x4
Close Grip BP 50% of BP 6x4
Dips 5x5
Deadlift from pins 55%x4x1, 65%x4x1, 75%x4x2, 85%x3x4
BB Reverse Lunges 20% of SQ 5x5

Easy workout today. Got the marathon bench workout friday, should be fun…:slight_smile:

3/6/2008 Thursday, week1, day4

Jacobs Ladderx20minutes
DB Shrugs3x20
Lat Pulldown 3x10

3/7/2008 Friday, week1, day5

Bench 50%x5x1, 60%x5x1, 70%x4x1, 75%x3x2, 80%x2x2, 75%x3x2, 70%x4x1, 60%x6x1, 50%x8x1
Flies 10x5
Squat 50%x5x1, 60%x4x1, 70%x3x2, 75%x3x5
Jump Squat 10%x3x5

A)Bench Press 65%x10setsx3reps
B)Perfect Pushups 4x12
C)Inverted Row 4x10
D)Face Pulls 4x12
E)DB Shrugs 4x12
F)Hammer Curls 4x10
G)Pulldown Abs 4x12

Quick workout, maybe lasted at most 45minutes. My dog died sunday night and i just did not feel like being in the gym for 1:30-2:00 hours doing a sheiko workout, when i was up all sunday night. However, i view lifting weights as a major release and i wanted to do something, so this is what i did yesterday. Ya know, the saying “you never miss something until it’s gone”, is so true. I’m too big of a dog lover i think sometimes, but i am devastated right now. At the very least, i guess i can be happy that she is no longer suffering.

Sorry to hear about your dog man. My dog died in my arms about 4 years ago, never will forget it. We since have a new one, but I definitely am a dog lover myself too and that really is no fun to see a great dog go.

It’s like a loss in the family isn’t it?

Keep training hard man.

sorry for you dog man…

some questions:

-what the jacobs ladders are?
-why don’t you write the weights you use?



A)Squat 65%x10setsx3reps
B)BB Reverse Lunges 20%x3x8
C)Good Mornings 25%x3x8
D)Plate Pinching 3x30sec

Thanks for the kind words man, i truly appreciate it. I could not imagine the hurt you must have felt when your dog died in your arms. Yeah, it’s tough seeing a great dog go, no question about it. It truly is like a loss in the family, it hurts the same.

Thanks for the kind words man.

-Jacobs ladder is a cardio machine…you try to climb to the top of it, but of course you can never get there. Real good machine, really elevates the heart rate quickly. If you perform a serch for it, i think there is a website that comes up for it.

-As far as not writing the weights i use, i guess since i am using such light percentages i just don’t bother to. But if you go back through my log, when i do max effort work, ala westside, i usually write what weight i hit in my max effort lift. As for assitance exercises, i just see no need to write the weights i use and to be honest i only rest on most occassions about 20-30 seconds with my assitance work, so i’m not using a whole lot of weight.

don’t care if the weights are light, it’s just for know it :wink:

i’m a sissy too:D:D


Jacobs Ladderx20minutes
Neck work with bands 4x30


A)Bench Press 65%x3setsx5reps
B)Perfect Pushups 3x12
C)Inverted Row 3x10
D)Face Pull 3x12
E)DB Shrugs 3x12
F)Hammer Curls 3x10
G)Pulldown Abs 3x12