WestsideWrestler Training Log

Back Squat 60%x3setsx8reps
Band Good Mornings 3x10
Band Leg Curls 3x20

Standing AB Rollouts 3x10
Russian Twists 3x15

Bench Press 60%x8setsx3reps
Seated Rows 3x10
Incline DB Bench 3x12
supersetted w/
Lat Pulldowns 3x12

Mini Band Face Pulls 2x25
Neck 2x25
Rope Pushdowns 2x25
Hammer Curls 2x20

11/19/2007 Conditioning + Lower
-2Rounds x 2Minute Drills
A)Back Squat 65%x8setsx3reps
B)Hyperextensions 3x10
C)Reverse Leg Press 3x12
D1)VUPs 3x15
D2)Band Twists 3x12

Finally back to posting in my journal consistently. The fall semester is over(thank god)so i got a little over a month off. Also i have been battling an infection so i have not been in the gym consistently for close to a month and probably a little more then that. So anyways i got a chance to FINALLY hit the weights today.

1)Back Squat 50%x6setsx3reps
2)Bench Press 50%x3setsx6reps
3)Pull Ups 2x10
4)Reverse Leg Press 2x10

Beach Work
A1)Alt. DB Curls 2x8
A2)Lying Tricep Extensions 2x8

-Standing AB Rollouts 2x10

Got the beach work idea from a CT article on T-Nation. Nice way to hit some vanity/bodybuilding work while doing a total body weights plan. Plan on working with sub-maximal weights for the next 4-6weeks, i really want to do some maximal effort work, however, my body is not ready for it at all right now, plus i want to add some muscle mass.

Recovery and such
Did a hybrid of the Team Quest BB complex, but i rested 30seconds in between each exercise and replaced the split squats with burpees. I also axed the squat+push press exercise of the complex.

-Vups 3x12
-Russian Twists 3x12

BB Complex
1A)Bent Over Rows 30sec on/30sec off
1B)Up Rows 30sec on/30sec off
1C)Military Press 30sec on/30sec off
1D)Good Mornings 30sec on/30sec off
1E)Squat 30sec on/30sec off
1F)Burpees 30sec on/30sec off
Repeated 3times, rested about 1:30-2:00 minutes between complexes

Neck Harness 4x12

Still unsure about whether to utilize a total body approach or a split approach. Also i was reading an article last night by louie simmons, where he talked about how all the guys at westside max out year round regardless of there level of preparation, so it got me to thinking that maybe i should just say f’it to working with sub-maximal weights and get back on the traditional westside template. We’ll see, but for now it just feels good to get back in the weightroom and doing stuff, after i did a whole lot of nothing this past month.

Well, the gym i lift at is closed on christmas(obviously) so i had to start the week one day earlier, so instead of M,T-TH, F, i’ll lift S,M-W,TH. Decided to utilize an upper/lower split, instead of total body, because i seem to have better results with an upper/lower split.

A)Back Squat 55%x6setsx4reps
B)BB Step Ups 2x10
C)Reverse Leg Press 2x10
D)Calf Raises 2x15
E)Lat Pulldown 2x10
F1)Standing Ab Wheel Rollouts 2x10
F2)Band Rotations 2x10

Finished the workout, with a 5minute run on the treadmill!

A)Bench Press 55%x4setsx6reps
B)Band Pushups 2x10
C1)Inverted Row 2x10
C2)Face Pull 2x15
E)Iso-Hold DB Shrugs 2x10
F)Hammer Curls 2x10
G1)Crunches 2x25
G2)Russian Twists 2x20

Monday 12/31/2007

A)Back Squat 87.5%x1, 87.5%-40lbsx2x3, 87.5%-25lbsx2x2
B)GHR 2x10
C)Hyperextensions 2x12
D)Pull Ups 2x10
E)Standing AB Rollouts 2x10


A)Deadlift 50%x3, 65%x6setsx3reps
B)Pull Ups 3x10
C)Bent Over DB Rows 3x10
D)Seated Face Pulls 3x15
E)Hammer Curls 3x10
F)Weighted Standing AB Rollouts 3x10


-Burpees 15sec ON/30secOFFx10
-Neck 3x25
-Various bodyweight ab exercises…didn’t really keep track of sets and reps.


A)Bench Press 55%x6, 70%x3setsx6reps
B)Standing Strict Front Press 3x10
C)DB Bench Press 3x10
D)Skullcrushers 3x10
E)Slant Board Sit ups 3x10


-30sec JOG/30sec WALK, went for 20minutes
-Various bodyweight abdominal work, once again did not keep track of set and reps


A)Back Squat 2x8
B)Close Stance Pause Squats 2x5
C)GHR 4x8
D)ABS 3x12
E)Treadmill Run 30secON/30secOFFx15minutes


A)Bench Press 2x8
B)CG BP 2x8
C)Incline BP 2x8
D)Dips 2x8…pause at bottom
E)Strict Front Press 3x8,10,12…humbling exercise
F)Lateral Raises 3x10

Done with the submaximal weights for now.

Heavy Lower
A)Back Squat, worked up to a heavy single, then DO’ed 35lbs and did 4setsx2reps
B)Bulgarian Split Squats 3x10
C)Band Leg Curls 4x15
D)Lat Pulldown 3x12

Nothing fancy today


Also, the weather here in PA sucks. It was in the 20’s today…again!

Heavy Upper
A)Bench Press, worked up to a heavy single, then DO’ed 20lbs for 2setsx2reps and 40lbs for 1x3reps
B)DB Bench Press 2x40
C1)Seated Rows 3x12
C2)Band Face Pulls 3x20
D)Up Rows 3x10
E)BB Curls 3x8
F)Plate Pinching 2xF


A)20 minute light jog
B)Standing AB Rollouts 5setsx30sec
C)Russian Twists 5setsx30sec

3/3/2008-Monday, week1, day1
Bench-50%x5x1, 60%x4x2, 70%x3x2, 75%x3x5
Squat-50%x5x1, 60%x5x2, 70%x5x5
Bench-50%x5x1, 60%x4x2, 70%x4x4
Jump Squat-10%x3x5

Going with sheiko again?