Can anyone recommend me some good advanced readings on weight training? My goals for weight training are strength and power for wrestling and MMA if that helps at all. Some authors I have heard of are Poloqion, Zatsiorsky, Thibedeau and Siff.
Anyone here know of any good books to recommend and what is the best way I can get them?
“Modern Strength and Power Methods”, Thibideau (Available here); One of the best books available:
“Supertraining”, Siff & Verkhoshansky; Advanced and poorly edited but very comprehensive (
"Science and Practice of Strength Training, Zatsiorsky; buy before Supertraining (
“Starting Strength”, Rippetoe & Kilgore; indispensable for the relative newbie. Should be your first purchase ( and, of course’
“The Charlie Francis Training System”, available here:
If its no trouble, could you (or anyone else) let me know briefly some of the similarities or differences between the books and their pros and cons, what they talk about etc…
But thank you very much you have given me an excellent starting point!
“Starting Strength” focuses on exercise technique (squat, deadlift, bench, military press, and power clean) with a little bit of programming advice. Rippetoe has a new book which should be out now that covers programming in much greater detail, I recommend you buy it;
The books by Siff and Zatsiorsky are essentially text books on strength and conditioning with Dr. Z’s book being a much easier read;
Thibideau’s book covers virtually all the “latest and greatest” training tools including, bands and chains and a variety of speed-strength, and explosive strength training methodics.
I think Fergus’ advice is excellent. Go with CFTS for overall training philosophy and “Starting Strength” to teach you how to perform the exercises Charlie recommends. I would purchase these two books first and, if you can afford it, Rippetoe’s new book on programming ( to supplement CFTS.