Waking Up Starving

So lately I have been waking up, or more appropriately, being woken up by extreme hunger. This has never been a problem for me in the past. Last night, about 30 minutes before I went to sleep, I consumed a 1000 calorie MRP figuring this would fix it. Nope. I went to bed at 11:30 and woke up at 6:30 absolutely starving. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?

Check your blood sugar level in the morning… is it normal?
Try to eat earlier in the evening (2h before sleep) and try not to take many CHO (carbs) with high glycemic index who will cause insuline reaction and lower your blood sugar levels and make you feel hungry.
The Zone diet(Barry Sears) suggest eating 40% CHO 30% proteins 30% fats so try that (eat more proteins in the evening and some fats with less CHO)
Or try eating fruits (apples, oranges or other who havehigher fructose/glucos ratio-lower glycemic indexes)
Searc for proffesional opinion… hope this helps!

Start worrying when you don’t wake up hungry. Morning appetite is a pretty good indicator of anabolic status and metabolism. As you age the appetite tends to diminish. That’s why you won’t see too many 80 yr olds who wake up with any appetite but the average 16 yr old athlete (not couch potato) almost always has a good appetite upon rising.

How do I test my blood sugar levels? And what is considered normal?

Well, that is good news, but I think this is too hungry. I don’t wake up when I was expecting to and think, “boy, I am hungry.” I wake up before I am expecting to with my stomach growling and think “I better eat before I pass out.” I guess what I am doing a bad job of saying is the hunger is interrupting my sleep.

This happens to me when I drink my last meal instead of eat it. Try mixing your MRP with some real food (nothing heavy, but real nonetheless). I know a lot of bodybuilders who intentionally wake up in the middle of the night and drink down a protein shake so that they don’t go into a state of catabolism. Maybe have a protein shake ready for when you wake up with your growling stomach and drink it down and then go back to sleep.

Also, it could be that you aren’t getting enough good fats in your diet. Try supplementing with essential fats and see what happens. Have you tried ZMA before bed? That may help you get through the night.

Use a Blood Glucose monitor you can buy from any local pharmacy. Doesn’t have to be the expensive high tech ones, the cheap ones work fine.

In Canada, normal fasting blood sugar levels is b/w 4-7 mmol/L.

What do you mean “in Canada”? :confused:

A 5mmol.l-1 is a normal value, but first thing in the morning I wouldn’t be surprised with values much lower than that by the sounds of the original post…

CMangano, would you say you are heavy on carbs, or most of the time, etc? Have you got such cravings during the day, too? Or is it only a night-thing?

What if it’s above those current values?

Now you got me scared, I’ve had lousy appetite in the mornings for the last year or so, I mean really lousy, but after training I get extreme food cravings and eat A LOT of food. Can you make any conclusions about this?

I’ve got this bad habit of increasing my food intake towars later the day, Anyway I’m eating anywhere from 3000 to 5000 calories per day when I’m training, so I wouldn’t say that I’m not eating at all.

Canada’s standardized units of measurement are mmol/L, whereas the USA uses mg/dL, even Italy as I just recently found out uses a different measure from Canada’s (I think they are the same as USA), but the scores are all relative, just different units is all.

Well, if its at a fasting level (ie. first thing in the morning or b/w meals) and if it is occurring consistently then it can be a sign of what’s called Syndrome X or Pre-Diabetes or Metabolic Disorder.

Where this means that for some reason your body is not metabolizing its sugars fully and results in having a slightly higher than normal blood sugar level.

But its not definitive until you do a bunch of different clinical tests, ie. monitoring your HbA1c, fasting blood sugars (3x for clinical diagnosis) and eventually a Oral Glucose Tolerance Test.

If you are worried you might have this, then simply test it with a blood glucose monitor or more importantly see your Dr. about your concerns.

In the meantime some of the signs & symptoms to look out for are:

-execissive hunger & thirst
-constant urination
-extreme fatigue
-blurry vision & tingling in finger tips
-sudden weight loss

I am using ZMA. I was supplementing with Flax and haven’t been for the last week or so, maybe that is the factor. I will try adding in 2 tblsp. at night and see if that helps.

I wouldn’t say I am heavy on the carbs, but to be honest I can’t give an accurate figure on this. I only get this starvation craving when I wake up (or when it wakes me up). I usually eat at regular intervals, and often eat 4-5 times a day.

Not worried about myself, but about a family member.


I find that if I have a good Protein + Fat combo meal/snack before bed that usually helps keep me feeling satisfied until I wake up in the morning. Usually will go for 1-2 scoops low carb Grow mixed in water, maybe a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, and 2 tbsp. natural PB… And I also use ZMA about 60 min. prior to eating my last meal.

Last night around 11 I had a grilled cheese sandwich with some bacon and a tblsp. of Flax. Took my ZMA about 45 minutes later and went to bed. Woke up this morning when I expected to, was hungry but not starving. Hopefully the reintroduction of healthy fats and a small, solid meal close to bed time will do the trick. I really appreciate everyone’s help.

Just curious, before this latest practice, when did you have your last meal? How long was the gap between your last feed and your breakfast?


I’m not sure I completely understand what you are asking me. The gap between my last meal and my breakfast is usually the time I am asleep plus about an hour, since I eat usually an hour or so before bed. If this didn’t answer your question let me know.

My mistake, sorry!
See below!

That’s fine!
I was just wondering whether or not the gap between the two meals (i.e., last one and breakfast) was way too long before, i.e., the hours of sleep plus… That’s all!

What you are doing now seems to work, so…