Vibration Training

Here is the lastest:

Exerc Sport Sci Rev 2003 Jan;31(1):3-7

The use of vibration as an exercise intervention.

Cardinale M, Bosco C.

Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Human Physiology Building-Foresterhill, AB25 2ZD Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.

The use of vibration as a means for enhancing athletic performance is a recent issue in exercise physiology. Current evidence suggests that vibration is effective in enhancing strength and the power capacity of humans, although the mechanisms mediating this effect are unknown. is a cool site with plenty information on vibration training and NEMES - Bosco System. Also they are official distributors for this device, plenty research papers too.

here is a good article on vibration:

hope that helps.

i do a vibration drill that I learned from scott sonnon-i don’t know if this is what you are talking about or not but…

Vibration Drill: Carmelo Bosco, an Italian human performance company, developed a machine comprising a vibrating metal disk upon which athletes stand to amplify vibration through the body. The effects of this include: increased neural arousal and dramatically increased flexibility… The former Soviet Solo Vibration Drills described below may accomplish similar if not identical results, but conducted solo and without expensive equipment.

The basic version of a Vibration Drill comprises the following (focus on developing skill with one performance goal, then cycle to another, until you can accomplish all simultaneously):

The Sag: Standing, let your head hand forward and your forehead, jaw, and lips relax. Your arms hang dead at your side. Your pelvis tilts upward, and shoulders roll slightly forward. You hunch over slightly, but not too much that your alignment compresses your lungs greatly.

The Anchored Jump: Repeatedly jump without your feet leaving the ground. This technique looks like you try to lightly push off the ground, but your feet remain glued.

The Shrug: The above step adds the stimulation for allowing your shoulders to shrug from the motion. The higher you can cause your shoulders to slide, the better.

The Nod: Step 2 will further cause your head to nod, though never back so high that you stand erect; always sagging.

The Pulse Breathing: Pulse Breathing involves constant, but intermittent exhales, like a series of pulses from a strobe light. These are light, intercostal to diaphragmatic exhalations. You will not need to consciously inhale. The negative back pressure created from the motion and alignment causes the exhalation out. The upward motion releases the structure to “suck” air back in.

The Jelly Arms: Allow your arms to hang like you have no skeleton supporting them. It is very important to avoid controlling the motion of your arms.
The Shake: You will notice that your torso leans slightly forward. Here, the Anchored Jump and Jelly Arms cause the torso to shake as if a mild twitching. Allow this positive motion to even increase.
The Dead Hang: At the final ¼ of your Vibration set, hang dead balanced on your legs. There will be necessary stabilizing tension in your ankles, knees and hips to keep you standing. Do the Dead Hang while thinking only that your body is very warm and heavy, nearly impossible to stand erect.
The Flatfoot Squat: A more advanced version of the Dead Hang is to continue to do the Shake all the way down, removing your hips backwards, and keeping your knees perpendicular to the ground. This is an advanced technique and requires practice. Go as far as you can and if the Shake stops, then just Dead Hang.
Do this basic Vibration Drill for approximately 3 minutes – one set. This restoration technique is excellent for removing residual tension and segueing to post-training activities.

Big article in recent M&F on this. A hilarious photo has a guy lying on his back with a large metal cylinder sprouting from his crotch…if my wife saw that she buy one of the machines right now.
I can see where the machine may have some benefit. Having done fairly heavy squats (approx. 40% 1RM OF NORMAL SQUAT) on a BOSU, I can attest to the confidence and stabilizer-building that instability training has. BUT, I almost broke both ankles, knees, and whatever else in my last session. I will NEVER try weights like that on a BOSU. The VIBRA THROB, or whatever it is called, looks much safer…and it will increase female gym memberships too:D

The M & F article had pictures of the Power Plate but not the Nemes-

There are definite differences in the two machines.

I used a vibration plate once whilst stretching hamstrings thoroughly. Could see no difference.


What type of plate were you on?

How many Htz did the plate vibrate at?

How long where you on the plate?

Sorry, I don’t read M&F…I just look at the pictures…:smiley:

Any members out there read scientific German?

I have a some studies of reference from German publications.

Let me know-

Here is a link to the old forum-


I could have a look at these German papers if you want. I will send you an u2u.