Vancouver Speed-Strength Seminar - Dec. 3, 2005

Speed-Strength Seminar - Saturday, December 3, 2005

All Day - 8:30am to 5:30pm – Vancouver, BC, Canada

Expert Panel - A Gathering of Three of the Top Practitioners in the Field of Athlete Development and Preparation

High Performance Strength Coach - Al Vermeil
High Performance Speed Coach - Charlie Francis
High Performance Soft-Tissue Therapist - Joseph Horrigan

Panel Topics Include:

  • Game speed vs. track speed - Is there a difference?
  • General vs specific strength training.
  • Olympic lifts - Why and when are they needed for speed and power athletes?
  • Appropriate training plans for beginners, intermediate and advanced athletes.
  • Effective rehabilitation of common sports injuries.
  • Sports supplements - Essential or a waste of money?
  • Recovery and regeneration methods and therapies - what, when and how much?
  • Core stability - What is it and how do we really train it for sports?
  • What is sport-specific training anyways?
  • And much, much more…

Panel Members - Background

Al Vermeil - Strength Coach of Champions

  • Chicago Bulls head strength coach
  • Championship rings from the NBA and NFL
  • Strength coach for NFL, NBA and Major League Baseball
  • Initial inductee to the Strength Coaches Hall of Fame in June 2003
  • Unparalleled expertise in training for football, basketball, baseball and golf.
  • Internationally renowned speaker in the area of Strength and Conditioning and athlete development

Charlie Francis - Top Sprint Coach in the World

  • Three time Canadian sprint champion
  • Former national team sprint coach
  • Developed and coached a number of world record holders
  • His athletes set 23 world records and over 250 Canadian records
  • Expert consultant for teams and players from the NFL, NBA and NHL, as well as numerous world class athletes in other sports
  • Author of Speed Trap and The Charlie Francis Training Method

Joseph Horrigan - Leader in Soft-Tissue Therapy

  • President of Horrigan Sports Chiropractic and Soft Tissue Center in Los Angeles
  • 2001 Sports Chiropractor of the Year
  • Former Speed-Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Los Angeles Kings
  • Author of The 7-Minute Rotator Cuff Solution and co-author of Strength, Conditioning and Injury Prevention for Hockey
  • Member of the Sports Medicine Committee for USA Weightlifting
  • Lecturer for USA Track and Field

Seminar Contact: Derek Hansen 604-773-9102 or

Seminar Format: “No Egos, No Gurus, Just Good Information”

This speed-strength seminar will be conducted as a three-person expert panel discussion. The discussion will proceed through various pre-determined topic areas, with each expert sharing their thoughts and experiences on each topic. Within each topic area discussion attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and stimulate further in-depth discussion. Additionally, where applicable, sample training progressions will be documented and further discussed.

This is your opportunity to be involved in an advanced discussion in the area of athlete development for all sports. Our panel of experts has worked with world class and professional athletes in a wide variety of sports. Their cumulative experience working with high level athletes spans almost 100 years.

No Note Taking Required: All attendees will get a DVD copy of the seminar proceedings, so that you don’t have to spend extra effort taking your own notes. You can simply take in the discussion and participate without having to write down a single word.

Registration Information

Early Bird Seminar Fee - Paid by Oct. 31, 2005 : $365.00 CAD ($325 US)

Regular Seminar Fee - Paid by Nov. 16, 2005 : $395.00 CAD ($345 US)

Day of Seminar Registration: $415.00 CAD ($355 US) - Cash Only

Payment Options:

  1. Cash, Cheque or Money Order (payable to Derek Hansen)

    Please mail cheque or money order with the registration form below, to:

    7875 Elliott Street
    Vancouver, BC  V5S 2P1
  2. On-Line Credit Card Payment via

    Visit and sign up as a member. Then, send your payment to:


Once we receive your registration information and payment, we will send you a seminar package (outline, location, etc.) as soon as possible.

NSCA CEUs and BCRPA credits will be available for this event. The recertification period for NSCA CSCS members is the end of December. This may be your last chance to get credits toward your recertification.

Full colour ads can be downloaded at:

PDF Version - Speed-Strength Panel Discussion

[MS Word Version - Speed-Strength Panel Discussion]( Panel.doc)

Sign me up!!! Wow, I am looking forward to this. NumberTwo, thanks for organizing this!

Thanks Herb. I would have liked to have had it over two days (more expensive), but I think one full day of intense discussion (and maybe even debate) will be very good. I think there will be something for everyone.

I also thought the open discussion format would be more audience friendly - as we are exposed to so many one-way presentations. As long as we make sure Al and Charlie steer away from discussions on politics, we should be okay :smiley:

Any forum members (from abroad) that are interested in attending, please let me know and I can try to help with directing you to less expensive accommodations.

I’d love to attend any of the seminars, but I typically need about 3-6 months notice. Are you guys going to put this one on dvd or video? I’ll pay for that, but travel ends up tripling my cost mostly.

Why cant it be a two day seminar? Makes no sense for out of towners to go to a one day seminar.

If you can gather up 20 more people to help cover expenses for bringing the speakers in, I will gladly make it a two day seminar. The speakers’ fees are daily fees - so 2x the cost to put on the seminar, but it may only yield 20% more in terms of revenues (by adding an extra day). But I’m not going to promise the speakers full payment, arrange their flights for two days of speaking, and then not have the revenues to pay them.

I can’t rely on large numbers of out-of-towners to show up (because it rarely happens). Otherwise I’d be losing money (and I rarely make money on these types of seminars). If anything, I’m trying to provide a service to local coaches by bringing in highly regarded experts. I’ve never had anyone complain about the duration, format or presentations.

We had talked about using the Sunday as an open ended day for practical demonstrations - if there is demand for it (i.e. if people are willing to pay). If anyone has any suggestions and money to make it happen, let me know.

Additionally, we typically go out as a group for dinner and the discussions continue. So it is a “full” day of learning. With some of the two day seminars, the attention span of attendees does tail off early - so the one day format has worked very well.

Another option is if out-of-towners want to book their travel for the whole weekend, even if the speakers leave on Sunday - I can book a room/weight room and have everyone stick around for another day to continue the discussion/demonstrations - for no extra cost.

One thing we find at these seminars, is that a lot of knowledgeable people show up. So the learning is not isolated to what we get from the presenters. Relationships are also started and communication continues once everyone goes back home - so there are valuable networking opportunities.

How many CEUs Numbertwo? Also can we go to Brandi’s?

I’ve applied for 9 hours worth - 8:30am to 5:30pm, with discussion occurring during lunch - so that should be 0.9

Brandi’s could be an option. I’ll check with Ben Affleck to see if he can save us a VIP booth.

If the presenters cannot speak on Sunday then this would be an excellent opportunity for coaches to discuss anything and everything.

I’m in Baby! Comparing flights from San Francisco or Oakland to driving for about 14 hours… But I’m definitely in one way or the other!!

That’s great… we seem to be getting a lot of interest from California. Must be the influence of Governor Schwarzenegger… :smiley:

This is just an aside, but I went to the Athletics Coordinator at the University that I attend (UBC-O), and gave him the info for this seminar and then…just in case…I asked if there was a way for the University to send me. He is it is doable. It isn’t 100%, but, knowing the Athletics Director, I am quite sure things will work out.

You never know if you don’t ask. Where there is a will, there is a way.

I think I may go… is it at SFU?

Yes - I will send out specific location info (building, room, etc) to people once they register.

any idea how much the dvd is going to cost? i want to make it but I don’t think I can get up there then

Its not even on the radar yet. We’ll post details when they are available.


Are any members who have not yet registered for the Dec. 3rd seminar still intending to come. We’ve had quite a few registrations of late (seems to go in waves), and I want to make sure people get a chance to register.

If you haven’t yet registered, but still intend on coming, please contact me at to let me know you are coming. I need to keep track of attendance numbers and make sure I get a room with enough capacity.

Thanks :slight_smile:

oh man to poor to go to this one

Just an update on the seminar. So far we have about 30 people registered, with much more threatening to come. We have lots of high level coaches attending who we will integrate into the discussion. Should be a great forum for discussion of advanced training concepts.

We will try to keep a running thread during the seminar (wireless technology). Thanks to all that registered and spread the word.