Vancouver Speed-Strength Seminar - Dec. 3, 2005

If you have a wireless laptop how about broadcasting some of the seminar via Skype (one way call) or something similar and have people post feedback via the website? You could charge a fee for this. For me its not the entrance fee to the event but the 20+ hours total travelling time involved door to door (not to mention air fairs) that is the problem this year. In depth discussions will also make great material for another DVD hint hint…

Another would be to submit limited questions prior to or during the seminar and possibly post responses via convea…or something to that effect.

I will be there .Just booked my flight.! YES.

I just sent you an e-mail about crashing the party on Saturday!

Got it… see you Saturday!

any info about DVD Vancouver 2005? Is it comming, yet?

or a write up of it

We are nervous here… :slight_smile:

revitalizing the discussion…
info on the dvd or some notes?