Vancouver Seminar Promo

Just to stir up some registration for the Vancouver seminar (and upcoming video sales), I’ve posted a link to short video clips from Charlie in Vancouver last year (these are from Videos 3 and 4 - coming soon).

Remember, the seminar this year in Vancouver plans to be much more comprehensive and hands on, building on a lot of the information presented by Charlie in the intial Vancouver seminar. We have lots of video footage to review and some athletes to work with, so there will be lots of good information flying around.

Another point to make with the Vancouver seminar is that since it is being held in my city, in a venue of my choice, I can go the extra mile with preparation, technology and facilities. So if you intend to go to an education seminar on coaching this year, I’d suggest this is a good one to invest in. The world championships of track and field also start this weekend, and could lead into some great, timely discussion. The seminar could also make your viewing of the WC’s much more interesting.

Anyways, enough talk, here is a clip (Windows Media format) from last year’s seminar that hopefully generates some interest. Charlie makes a very important point in this clip:

Also, Vancouver seminar registration info is provided at the link below:


when do you plan on doing a seminar with charlie in toronto?


As Toronto is Charlie’s town, I’ll let Charlie decide when and where we do a seminar there. I’m all for it though. Toronto’s like my second home…

I 2nd that, everyone vote Charlie for T.O. :smiley:

Another video clip from last year’s seminar in Vancouver - featuring none other than Herb from our forum.

Comments on Herb’s finely honed technique…???

Originally posted by NumberTwo
Comments on Herb’s finely honed technique…???

Those calves! Bigger than his quads! Now I understand what you were talking about Herb. :eek:

Derek, when can we have vids 3 & 4?

If I was in the US or Canada I’d definitely be there! What’s holding you guys back. I am now working on constructing a canoe so that a couple of us from Australia can paddle over.

Hey Dazed, I just had a thought, all that fatigue weight training you are doing should be great for paddling. I vote you take the paddles and I will navigate us to Vancouver. :slight_smile:

Still finishing up videos 3 and 4. Will let you know when they are ready.

Until then, another video clip. Sorry for the audio problems on this one.

Damn! I´m a Canadian living overseas. I was homesick today as we had barbequed ribs out on the patio tonight, but now there is another great reason for wishing to be in the great white north this summer. For all you guys going, enjoy it and learn alot. I like the two teasers, Number Two!

I have the tapes from the seminar Charlie did with Ian King, and really enjoy them and learn. If you are on the fence, I think it is a great opportunity to learn. My opinion for what it´s worth!


Is there any plans to release videos of the new seminar??

Yes. I will be videotaping the entire seminar. In terms of production, I will be working with Rupert and Charlie to determine what form we would like to sell the content as (i.e. full seminar tapes, modular tapes, on-line video streaming).

I will keep everyone posted.



I haven’t bought the 1st seminar tapes (but I will later when $$$ becomes available), however, I would like to know if the 1st semiar tapes had the same audio (wind) problems that you posted on that clip on this thread?? I hope not, b/c I could hardly hear a word Charlie was saying. And, I hope that it won’t be the case on this 2nd upcoming seminar either. Perhaps, whoever is video recording should invest in buying a sound “muffer” that goes over the mic. Besides it would be a tax deduction :slight_smile:

Hi Vito,

We didn’t have a “muffer” and the winds were pretty high that day. There is a short outdoor portion to tapes 3 and 4 that has the wind blowing over the mic. Tapes 1 and 2 are indoor and crystal clear. Sorry about that clip.

Thanks #2 for the reply, that’s great news. I just have 1 more question, since you said there is sessions 3 & 4 with a small portion outdoors, does that mean that the upcoming Vancouver seminars would be tapes 5 & 6, or is this seminar something totally different?? Sorry, I’m just a little confused.


Hi Vito,

Just to clarify:

Tapes 1 and 2 - Vancouver 2002 Seminar (for sale)

  • Theory and Methodology, as well as Video Analysis and Biomechanics

Tapes 3 and 4 - Vancouver 2002 Seminar (almost completed)

  • Practical outdoor sessions
  • EMS demonstration
  • Massage Demonstration
  • Planning

Vancouver 2003 will be new material to be covered in new tapes or via on-line video. Perhaps we will even see if it is economical to do a DVD. We’ll see.

Thanks #2,
When you say online video, do you mean “live” as the actual seminar is happening, do you have that technology. I mean you would need to rent a satellite for that or something, don’t you?? I must be mistaken, plz clarify.

Also, under tapes 3 & 4 you mention “planning” as part of the topics covered in seminar, by this do you mean periodization planning?

thanks again #2


By on-line video, we would mean record clips that could be viewed (for a small fee) on-line.

As for planning, yes - program planning and periodization.

Thanks #2 for your help in clarifying.


VHS would suit me best.

My computer was built around the same time as Noah’s Ark.:slight_smile:

Look forward to hearing more about them.


As Derek said, the sound on vols. 1 and 2 are crisp and clear. However, whenever Charlie bashes another coach and mentions that coach by name, it is edited out from the sound track. So if you hear occasional breaks in the sound, that’s the reason. At first I thought there was something wrong with the sound, until I realized what was being cut out.