How many times a week do all of you full timers practice your given sport, including your strength and conditioning stuff? Thank-you.
Well I just got done being a full-timer, but for track it was 5 days on the track, 3 in the weightroom.
6 days a week, I follow charlies gpp and spp. The bank account does hurt.
Not university but will be next year. But 5 days for me.
normally on 6days, when i am healthy. I feel slack and unmotovated doing a 4 day week.
Even if i dont acheive much out of doing track, i feel great for doing it, it reduces stress and makes me feel alive.
Weights, about 1 time per wk as of late, it is too hard getting to the gym with kids in tow.
soon, my own gym will be back at my place, it is currently 6hrs drive away, i moved 18mnths ago, but the gym never followed. So soon, 3 times per wk should be the norm for weights.
My guys are on 5-6 days a week including 2-4 gym sessions a week. Generally 11.5-14 hours a week.
my group is 6 times a week
Weights follow our high intensity days
Med ball 6 times a week
High Intensity 3 times
Recovery Session 3 times
I’m going to state the obvious here, but here it goes anyway -
Remember, NCAA rules clearly state that no athlete can practice more than 20 hours a week (this includes strength & conditioning), and that the athlete has to get one day off (NO training) every seven days…
Whether or not programs follow this is up to your discretion, but mine do
Of coures, now I’ve just re-read every post and it appears that Herb was asking how much do WE as coaches work out… Sorry everyone!
I was more interested in athletes who are full time students and how much they work out. Sorry for my lack of clarity. I think I myself workout about once every 20 days. Mmmm pizza.
once every 20 days, i would get withdrawl symptoms! get depressed, and just not handle normal everyday things. Herb, how do you do it?
Actually at the beginning of the season I forget until what date, actually its offseason I guess, NCAA only allows I think 8hrs a week of structured practice. I dont know if this is just track?
12-16 hrs per week w/ meetings, practice, film, and weights in there (not counting Saturday games) for in-season.
Off-season, around 5 days per week, 2.5-3.5 hours per day training (depending on time of year, day, etc.) on average.
Ya, that is my life.
My team which is not NCAA but CIS (Canada), structured workouts = 12 - 16 hours total a week
I pull about 10 workouts a week (technical and S&C) unless it is publication time (then much less). I find that i get more done research-wise when i train like this (especially when i have long computational runs to do).
my university goes:
3 gym sessions only an hour each
5 days in the week are devoted to track/field training.
12 hours per week for track
3 hours for weight room
15 hours total per week
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