Unilateral Movement and Strength imbalances?

Because of unilateral movement in plyo, med ball, and (the biggest impacting movement) sprinting, could one put their worries to rest about imbalances between legs in terms of strength? Could this allow one to focus solely on the more “stressful” exercises(squats)?

My bet is that you will never have both legs equal in strength

Iknow, but Im saying you do unilateral movements to correct strength imbalances as best as possible so they do not limit your capabilities in using both limbs. So would sprints, plyo, and med ball be enough to keep the balance close enough.

Time under tension it pretty low, so probably not

True, but force produced by and put on the muscle is very high, although momentary, much higher than that of weights, so it wouldnt even have a small effect?

You can’t have high force from high velocity, big power yes, big force no.
You don’t have enough time to exert max force.

If it were the case, you could squat 1000lbs just from sprinting/plyos and med ball over a few years :slight_smile:

I incorporate unilateral moves into my weight training routine, in just about every phase of my training.