March 22, 2010, 12:39pm
The quote from the D-End at the end provided some insight.
“He teaches us to flip the switch. It’s a big jump for us. All year we don’t do that much weight in the weightroom, and then we get in there on testing day and have amazing numbers. We have to buy in that whole offseason, that’s what he teaches us. Buy into the system, and the results will show, you gotta stay locked in then flip the switch.”
Sounds like they train sub max all year. If that’s the case then max testing will be sloppy since they aren’t used to those percentages.
If the players are getting stronger, faster, more powerful and for some bigger yet doing it with safer sub max weights, that’s a good program.
Sub-max or not, still no excuse for shitty tech. If your sprinters are doing sub max sprints would you accept shitty tech in races? James athletes use submax weights and there tech isn’t shitty.