after a pretty messed up year, i basically started up real sprint training again a month ago.
I lost all the gains I made in the summer in acceleration, and my speed endurance sucks.I have just done 3 weeks of split runs, and worked up to 2x(80x2). The only gains I have made are strength gains really. My olympic lifts are up a good bit, and my squat and bench and pullups are up.
I was thinking of just doing a split like this:
-Accel + Max V
-Weight workout(powerclean + clean pull + upper body pulling work)
-ATG squat work…maybe some more work but not counting on it
Note: All other days are tempo runs except sunday.
Then I was thinking as I got later in season I might throw in a special endurance day, or just do a special endurance I run on speed endurance day, like 150m or something. Also, I would probably cut down on strength work, either by reducing volume a lot, or intensity of 1rm, or both.
If you guys think my set up is good, or if you have something that you think would be better considering my accel and speed endurance blow now, that would be great.
Focused on sprinting. I guess I really don’t know how to lift for sprinting I guess if what im doing looks like PLing. I only gained strength because I couldnt sprint though because of the ankle and then that retarded hamstring strain. This whole year has been cursed man.
You shold be doing “power” type lifts, but I think Davan is implying that you can’t focus on both. Definetly lift, but it’s not the “end all, be all” to gaining speed.
Well lately my weight workouts have been very low volume. I’m trying not to compromise my sprinting here by doing too much weight work. Should I stop going for 1-3rm PRs in the weight room now that I’m doing speed endurance? How much of my 1rm should I stay around?
Also, is it fine that I’m only sprinting twice a week now? I was going 3x a week, but the workouts just weren’t going good, so I’m thinking I should put accel and max v together on monday, and do speed endurance friday. Maybe hit up just a few 10 or 20m sprints on speed endurance day and work with 30 to 40m sprints as the main focus on monday’s accel plan.
basically just asking if i should combine accel and max v so i only sprint twice a week, or should i keep them separated so i sprint 3x a week