Training to Enter the Next Level.



General Strength (Bataan) x 15
General Strength (Pillar) x 10

Upperbody circuit: 3 x 10, 30sec rest
A.) DB Shoulder Press
B.) DB Hammer Curls
C.) DB Skull Crushers
D.) DB Lateral Raises
E.) Incline DB Hammer Curls
F.) Bench Dips

8 x Diagnol runs on the football field

Decent workout today. I had some soreness in my glutes and shoulders today.

Warmup (Jog 300yds, leg swings, sprint form drills, 2 x 40yds buildups)

5 x 60m, 6min rest
Lateral Hurdle Hops: 3 x 4

DB Complex: 3 x 8, no rest imbetween exercises
A) Reverse Lunge Jumps
B) Stepups, w/ 30lb DBs
C) Walking Lunges, w/ 30lb DBs

Light cooldown

Pretty hot outside today. Felt like I was at the track forever with those 6 min rest intervals. Didn’t have access to a medball today, oh well…

Thursday/off/busy/personal stuff

Warmup (jog 400yds, leg swings, speed drills, light static stretch)

Ladders(on grass with cleats, track was being used)
3 x 4 sprints of 10-40yds, 210yds total
MT (Shell) 5x

Bulgarian Split Squats: 30s x 5, 40s x 5, 50s x 5, 60s x 5, 75s x 5
Hyperextentions: BW x 15, 25lbs x 15, 25lbs x 15
Bench: 135 x 6, 155 x 6, 185 x 6
Wide-Grip Pullups: 5 x 5


This concludes week one since I’ll be gone tomorrow to the spring game of the school I plan on going to. Since I have 10 weeks of total training time, I will do 2 x 4 week microcycles with a deload week imbetween.

9 Weeks

Warmup (Jog, leg swings, sprint drills, buildups)

Ladders: 3 x (20, 30, 40yds)
Didn’t do any jumps or MB throws because it started pouring rain.

Bulgarian Split Squats: 30s x 5, 40s x 5, 50s x 5, 65s x 5, 75s x 5. Paused at the bottom of each rep
Incline DB Press: 30s x 12, 40s x 10, 50s x 10, 65s x 10
SL Hyperextentions: 2 x 10, 10lb plate

I finally got my loading pin to do my hip belt squats when I ordered it 4 weeks ago. I’m also starting to get a shin splint on my left shin. It only hurts when I dorsiflex. I’ve been icing and soaking it so far.


Moving GS circuit 1: x15
Pedestal: x 10
Pillar: x 10

Upperbody Circuit: 3 x 10, 30 sec rest. 20-25lb DBs
Shoulder Press
Hammer Curl
Skull Crusher
Kneeling Ab Rope Pulldown
Incline Curl

BW: 173 w/ shoes (probably 170-171 barefoot)

Great workout today. I didn’t have any problems with my shins today, its tomorrow that I’m worried about though. I might have to consider wrapping for some support.

Warmup (Jog, leg swings, sprint drills, buildups)

6 x Flying 20yds, 2min rest. (E-F-E)
MB Throws (Bomb)
SLJ: 6x

DB Complex: 3 x 8, no rest imbetween exercises
A) Reverse Lunge Jumps
B) Stepups, w/ 30lb DBs
C) Walking Lunges, w/ 30lb DBs

Russian Twist: 4 x 10

Fantastic Workout today under not so good conditions. It started pouring right after my last sprint today. I also used the gymnasium to do some indoor MB throws. The cool thing is that I can land on a huge soft mat for support as I blast the MB through the wall!

Thursday off/busy

Warmup (Jog, leg swings, sprint drills, buildups)

Ladders: 3 x (10, 20, 30yds)

High Stepups: 20s x 8, 40s x 8, 55s x 8
GHR: 3 x 10
Incline DB Press: 55s x 8, 60s x 8, 70s x 8
T-Bar Rows: 3 x 6, 90lbs

Not a very good workout today. Barely had access to anything unfortunately. I plan on doing some SE tomorrow along with some BB circuits.

You gave me an idea. I’m gonna start doing BB/DB complexes from now for fat loss and mass gain!! Thanks for your idea!! :cool::cool::cool:

Ya I like them because you don’t have to use heavy weights which is good for training around my back injury. I think they will go good with your training.

Warmup (Jog, leg swings, sprint drills, buildups)

4 x 120m, 4-5 min of recovery. Ran in flats

Upperbody Circuit: 3 x 10, 30 sec rest. 20-25lb DBs
Shoulder Press
Hammer Curl
Skull Crusher
Kneeling Ab Rope Pulldown
Lateral Raises
Incline Curl
Saxon Side bend

This concludes week 2 of my training. I’m thinking I’m going to need some massage therapy pretty soon because I’m feeling tight around my pelvic area. I haven’t lost any flexibility but my right hip feels kind of weird. My back still feels great though.

Week 3 of 1st Mesocycle

Workout A

Warmup (Jog, leg swings, sprint drills, buildups)

Ladders: 4 x (20, 30, 40yds)
MB Throws (Bomb): 5x
Hurdle Hops: 6 x 3, 39"

Workout B

Bulgarian Split Squats: 25s x 6, 45s x 5, 60s x 5, 70s x 5, 80s x 5
GHR: 3 x 10
Bench: 135 x 6, 185 x 3, 205 x 3, 225 x 3

Smooth workout today, had access to everything I needed. I’m planning on getting some massage therapy later this week.


Bataan x 15
Pedestal x 10
Pillar x 10

DB Circuit: 3 x 10
Shoulder Press
Hammer Curl
Skull Crusher
Russian Twist
Shoulder Shrug
Incline Curl
Bench Dips
Saxon Side Bend

Warmup (Jog, leg swings, sprint drills, buildups)

5 x 60m

DB Complex: 2 x 8, 25lb DBs
Lunge Goodmorning
Jump Squats

Had to cut the workout short because of time today.

Warmup (Jog, leg swings, sprint drills, buildups)

Ladders: 3 x (10, 20, 30yds) got timed 1.53 and 2.75 on last set. Done on grass with cleats
MB Throws (Bomb): 5x

Bulgarian Split Squats: 40s x 5, 60s x 5, 75x s 5, 85s x 5
Incline DB Press: 3 x 12, 50s
Hyperextentions: 2 x 15, 25lb plate

I was kind of sluggish today as I was still worn out from some stuff I did yesterday. I had somebody clock my last sprints today and I didn’t do too bad in my 10 and 20yd dash considering that I wasn’t fresh. I also got voted most athletic in my school today and I didn’t even complete a sport this year. Not a bad way to end my SR year.

Haha gotta know people baby. That’s why you play football and get around!! Not a bad senior celebrity award to win.

Ya it definitely comes from knowing people. And funny enough I always wear Under Armour athletic apparrel to school(too lazy to dress nice), and have achieved the nickname “Under Armour.” So that’s probably another reason.

GS Warmup

Bataan x 15
Pedestal x 10
Pillar x 10

DB circuit: 3 x 10, 30" rest
Shoulder Press
Hammer Curls
Skull Crushers
Ab Rope Pulldown
Front Plate Raises
Incline DB Curl
Tricep Pressdown
Saxon Side Bend

Good workout today, I also got some deep tissue massage after the workout. Particularly on the hamstrings, glutes, and erector spinae. He said that my left hamstring, and both glutes are tight. I’m going to try my best to keep stretching them and getting massage therapy 2x a month.

You should not be seen in public with more than 1 logo unless you have signed a lucrative endorsement contract :wink:

Oh man, you won’t catch me a day without wearing the Under Armour Logo. Seriously! If you look at any UA tag, it will say “Athletic Performance Apparrel” which is the main attraction for me haha. My whole closet is full of UA, and I also got 4 different pairs of their shoes!

Maybe you want to show off your cuts to the ladies haha.