Training to Enter the Next Level.

GS Warmup

Bataan: x 15
MJ (Superior): 2 x 20yds
Pedestal: x 10

DB Circuit: 3 x 10
DB Shoulder Press
Hammer Curl
Skull Crusher
25 crunches
Lateral Raises
Incline DB Curl
Tricep Kickback
Saxon Side Bend

8 x Diagnol runs on the football field

I haven’t posted in this journal in a while because I’ve been dealing with some severe neck muscle spasms. After last tueday’s workout, when I got out of the car I could barely move my neck! I went to the doctor and he gave me a muscle relaxer (Skelaxin), Anti-inflammatory (Medrol Steroid packet), and a pain killer (Tramadol). Its been 5 days and I’ve seen only minimal improvement.

I don’t know what the actual cause of this was. I can’t stress about it though even though I graduate Saturday and the days are counting down before I report for summer workouts. I can tell I’ve also lost some hypertrophy with my diet being very inconsistent; which is hard to do when your on drugs for pain.

I’ve got some problems… They are “unsports” related problems though. I’ve just gotten over my extreme neck muscle spasms and horrific migraines. But now I’ve got another problem… I have “Double Vision” or also known as Diplopia. I’m seeing two of the same object when I have both eyes open. I’m seeing the doctor tomorrow, and hopefully its nothing serious. I probably wont’t workout until my problems are solved.

Good thing is that I’m finally out of HS! It’s been a rough 4 years for me, but the best is yet to come! I’m starting summer school in a month, and hopefully I’m completely healthy and have some training time before I walk-on for the team.

I have an update on my health. My double vision is sinus related, seeing another doctor today, 3rd doctor I’m seeing the past 3 days! These sinuses could have also been the reason why my neck flared up. I just pray that everything gets better.

Well, if all your doctors can’t figure out what is wrong with you, I suggest you apply to be a patient on “House.” That guy can figure out anything!

Just kidding, I wish you the best and a complete cure/recovery, hopefully in time for football.

Haha. Thank you Vedette

I hope so too, the doctor said that its just inflammation behind the eye. It should get better within the next day or two. This problem is happening at the wrong time, and all I can do is pray and take my Prednisone…

An update on things…

I’ve noticed some improvement in my double vision. The opthamologist says that it should go away within the next two weeks. My plans have changed though. I will not be doing summer workouts with the team. Instead I will have my walkon tryout on the first day of school which is on August 24th. I think that it is better if I do this so I can catch up on my training and have more time to prepare myself.

I have freshman orientation tomorrow so I am hoping to meet some coaches to let them know that I’m interested in walking on.

9 weeks until walk-on tryout, Phase 1

Warmup (Jog, hip mobility drills, sprint drills, buildups)

Ladders: 3 x (10yds, 20yds, 30yds) 3min rest
MJ (Rudiment): 1 x 20yds

Hang Cleans: 8 x 3, worked up to 135lbs
Back Squats: 3 x 10, worked up to 135lbs
Bench: 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 185 x 3, 205 x 3, 225 x 2
Wide-Grip Pullups: 3 x 5

I did the squats high-bar olympic style, I feel that they may be safer for me. My health still isn’t the greatest right now though. I had a horrible headache after the workout yesterday. I also feel some head pressure when I sprint and lift heavy. It may be caused by my wisdom teeth which I will have them removed in 2 weeks.

General Warmup

General Strength:
Bataan: x 15
Pedestal: x 10
Pillar: x 10

MJ (Superior): 2 x 20yds

Low intense Swimming afterwards

Good session today. I’m still easing my way back into it after a 4 week health frenzy! My eye is still improving slowly, hopefully I can bump up the intensity level pretty quick.

Warmup (Jog, hip mobility drills, sprint drills, buildups

4 x Flying 20yds, 2-4min recovery
MT (Bomb): 3x

Jump Squats: 5 x 5, 35lb DBs
Incline: 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 185 x 3
Bulgarian Split Squats: 35’s x 5, 45s x 5, 60s x 5
GHR: 3 x 10
Russian Twist: 4 x 10

It was scorching outside today, like 110 degrees! I’m feeling just a little sore now. But good news is that my double vision is about 90% better than it was.

Warmup (Jog, hip mobility drills, sprint drills, buildups)

Ladders: 4 x (20yds, 30yds, 40yds) 4min rest

Hang Clean: 3 x 3, 135
Bench: 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 175 x 4, 185 x 4, 215 x 3
Back Squat: 95 x 10, 115 x 10, 135 x 10, 155 x 10
Russian Twist: 3 x 10

I started to do power cleans instead of hang cleans. Then I just got nervous as hell when I had to pick the bar up from that low to the floor. I think I’ll stick with hang cleans just for safety.

GS Warmup

Bataan: x 15
Pedestal: x 10
Pillar: x 10

Front Raises: 3 x 10
Lateral Raises: 3 x 10
Incline DB Curl: 3 x 10
Tricep Rope Pressdown: 3 x 10
Ab Wheel: 2 x 10

I’m ready to bump the intensity level up a notch next week. I just wanted to use this week to ease back from a 4 week layoff. Doing speed work in the 110 degree heat this week was a killer, I may have to do my workouts later in the day.

8 weeks left

Warmup (Jog, hip mobility drills, sprint drills, buildups)

Ladders: 4 x (20yds, 30yds, 40yds) 4min rest
MT (Bomb): 5x

Hang Clean: 95 x 3, 6 x 3 w/ 135lbs
Bench: 115 x 5, 135 x 5, 155 x 4, 185 x 4, 210 x 3, 225 x 3
Back Squat: 95 x 10, 135 x 10, 155 x 10, 175 x 10
Standing Calf Raises: 2 x 10
Seated Russian Twist: 3 x 10

Nice session today as I was able to escape the Texas heat. I’m starting back on ZMA this week.

GS Warmup

Bataan: x 15
Pedestal: x 10
Pillar: x 10

Lateral Raises: 3 x 8
Full ROM plate raises: 3 x 8
Tricep Pressdown: 3 x 10
Skull Crusher: 3 x 8
BB Curls: 3 x 8
Hammer Curls: 2 x 6

Warmup (Jog, hip mobility drills, sprint drills, buildups)

5 x 60m, 6min recovery

Hang Clean: 95 x 2, 135 x 2, 135 x 3, 140 x 2, 155 x 2, 155 x 2
Incline Bench: 135 x 5, 135 x 5, 155 x 3, 175 x 5
Lunge Jumps: 4 x 10, 30lb DBs
Step-ups: 4 x 10, 40lb DBs
RDLs(mimiced the pull of a PC): BW x 12, Bar x 12, 65 x 12, 85 x 12
Overhead Russian Twists: 3 x 10

Good session today. My erector spinae are starting to get tight again though. I’m hoping to get a deep massage tomorrow.

GS Warmup

Waterloo: x 15
Pedestal: x 15

Full ROM plate raises: 3 x 10
Hanging Lateral raises: 3 x 8
Skull Crushers: 3 x 10
BB Curls: 3 x 8
Ab Wheel: 2 x 10

I got some massage today, but I don’t think he got near deep enough because I don’t feel any different looser. I even told him to stick an elbow in me and get as deep as possible but he kept trying to convince me that he could get deeper with this palm. There goes $30…

Warmup (Jog, hip mobility drills, sprint drills, buildups)

Ladders: 3 x (10yds, 20yds, 30yds), 3min rest
MT (Bomb): 5 x
MJ (Rudiment Series B): 2 x 30yds

Hang Clean: 6 x 3, 135lbs
Incline DB Press: 45s x 5, 55s x 5, 65s x 5
Lateral DB Squat(Static-Dynamic 3sec): 40 x 5, 55 x 5, 65 x 5, 75 x 5, 85 x 5
Jump Squat: 8 x, 40lb DBs
Toe Risers(Negative Only): 3 x 10
Standing Russian Twist: 3 x 10

Solid workout today. I did feel a little tight in the warmups even after getting massage yesterday. I’m getting better at doing the hang cleans, and starting to throw the Med Ball farther.

Extra Long Warmup (Jog, hip mobility drills, sprint drills, buildups)

2 x 80m
2 x 100m
1 x 120m
All with 4-5min recoveries

This is the first SE session I’ve had in a while. My glutes and hammies were on fire afterwards. I had a very consistent and solid week of training, and I hope for every week to be like this from now on until camp starts. However, I’m getting all four of my wisdom teeth cut out Monday so it will probably be a while before I get back to training AGAIN!

I got the wisdom teeth removed today, and the surgeon said that I should take this whole week off. :frowning:

At least I still have plenty of weeks to train when I recover.

Warmup (Jog, hip mobility drills, sprint drills, buildups)

Ladders: 4 x (20yds, 30yds, 40yds) 4min rest
MT (Bomb): 5 x

Hang Clean: 5 x 2, 155
Bench: 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 185 x 4, 205 x 3
Squat: 135 x 10, 155 x 10, 175 x 10, 185 x 10
GHR: 2 x 10
Leg Curl: 2 x 8
Calf Raises: 3 x 12
Seated Russian Twist: 3 x 10

This workout didn’t go too well. I had done some rock climbing yesterday and my hands got calloused up to where my grip suffered. It also had to be the hottest day ever. I definitely shouldn’t had done this during mid-day.