Training The Master Sprinter 35+

Great plan. I basically do the above except I have introduced speed work and don’t do any tempo running at the moment. We have progressed from 10y - 50y in speed work and I will probably cap it there for a year or so. Using efe, fef, flys, manipulating rest periods and rep distances to avoid plateaus.

We intersperse jumps and throws before sets of runs.

He raced his older friend today and they were step for step to 20. Was pleased with that. Was their idea.

The session started as:

Positional drills 8-10x510y. Basically all out in sport moves like shuffle shuffle sprint, crossover and sprint, drop step or back pedal and sprint. Credit to james Smith here.
Linear sprints: planned 2x30,40,50…ended up 30,40,50; 2x40 fly; 1x20y race and hold to 50. The full acceleration seems to wreck them at the moment so I moved to flys and tried to instill the fact that relaxation is the key to fast speed. My son has made tremendous technical strides I believe from watching me demonstrate, coaching me during my reps, and watching elites.

I may ramp up the tempo stuff when basketball gets close. Or I may just let warmups cover the cardio part of basketball and keep rolling with the plan.

I’ve been able to bump up the volume a little in my own training.

Speed day:
3x20 (efe)
2x60 (30m limit)

Spd end day:
4x60 incomplete recovery (20m limit)

Next 1-2 weeks I’ll move to:


Speed end
2x3x60 incomplete recovery

Low int days are Shadowboxing some heavy bag, maybe some buildups, lots of Gs or mb. Basically an hour of whatever I feel like doing that day.

Thought I pulled a groin yesterday on the last 60, but it was a cramp. I immediately shut it down. Scared me.

Any data???

I don’t. My freelap went down a few years back and I haven’t pulled it out.

I’ll get my son to start timing me or I’ll self time with stop watch.

I’ve only been doing it for a month or two, so I should have some room to improve.

Try JAWKU 40% off with code FAST40 - $120.

So they assume Icrap is the only phone on earth? I guess making money is not really their objective
My cheap freelap watch strap shit the bed.

They will soon expand - very similar to how bioforce only was good with apple products… You can time all your sprints 0-400m with a reaction beep. I can’t believe I use to train without timing anything - it’s like training blind…

Well they need to hurry da fuck up.

Could you buy a old cheap apple phone from ebay and use that with the app?

I dont know can you? Does it need a internet connection to work or just dl the app?

Internet connection to download the app.
Bluetooth for sensor connections.

Ok, guess ill hunt down the cheapest crapple product that has that.

Time all your runs - no surprises…

Did you get that other stand the mobile tripod…or is the included one good enough?

You need a phone that meets the min spec of the app. Specifically the operating system level which they quote as ios9. Enough space to load the app. Cant see anything about requiŕed bluetooth version. If their web site was any good it would tell you the full set of specs an/or the min level of iPhone.

I got an iphone 4s which has ios9. it was 25 bucks. 8gb should be more than enough memory for the only app that will be on the phone.

I posted in my journal I’m still using the speed trap I got my replacement touchpad which is poorly made. My friend loves his jawku and he’s using the stand that came with it - i would start there first. If you have a large youtube following they may send you a system for free.

My following is not big, cause I rarely drop videos.