I have a problem. I train sprinters and I seem to be doing something wrong. My runners peak very quickly and then they die when it comes to Region/State.
I can only train them from the beginning of February through the end of State in May. State rules say we can’t train them before a specific date in the beginning of Feb. We have about 13-14 weeks of training and I need to set them up for sucess to get more people in States.
Normally, during Feb., we have no competitons, and we just train 5 days/week. I have them go hard everyday. We usually try to do hills 2x a week and track work 3x a week. A sample track session would be 10x200m at near full speed…usually under 28seconds for boys and 33 secs. for girls.
When the season starts we either have 1 or two meets a week. When we have 1, we go hard everyday except the day before the meet and when we have 2 meets I will have them go hard only 1 or 2 times that week. Same basic workouts apply.
I also like to have them do plyos, pull weighted sleds and occasionally some block starts over short distances for times to evaluate the kids.
Our fastest 100m time for boys is in the low 11’s and our fastest 200m is in the 23’s. Our fastest 400m is in the 51-52 second range.
Can I get some help? I’ve been searching around and you guys keep making references to different types of workouts like Int. Tempo, Ext. Tempo, SE, speed endurance, acc. dev. and things like that. What are those?
Thanks for any help you can give me. I really would appreciate it.