A 15 yr sprinter pull a groin muscle. He was in the start of the competition phase and was now for 5 weeks out of training, compete only in hurdles to get through to to the national. He is now fully recovered, and ran his first 100 and 200m saterday the 13th, 100m time is about o.2 sec slower 11.02(fat) now 11.22(fat) 200 m close to his personel best of 22.39. The nationals is less than two weeks from here 26/27 March. WHAT IS THE FORUMS TAKE ON HOW TO PREPARE THIS ATLETE. Monday I let him do only 3x 30 meters flying sprints with a 40 m accelleration buildup EFE .Next week i must reduced volume for him to peak. If looking to his long absense from sprinting would 5 days enough for peaking or can I train him reasonable hard up to 3days before the nationals.
Only 2 weeks away stay with your program, not enough time to make changes.