Top 3 "must have supps"

I used Creatine when I was 13. I’m fine, no stunted growth, bad side effects etc.

I did the standard doseages for loading & maintenance.

I didn’t notice any difference, not even a bit.

I used it PWO, vitamins PWO made more difference.

Creatine Monohydrate added 20lbs to my bench press! The Stuff works!

it worked too good on me, so good that everybody thought I was taking vitamin S. oh well…

It should be noted that when it added 20lbs to my bench press, I was also taking 5g of Glutamine everyday as well!

2 for women, 3 for men :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, nah it’s my bad, I was totally backwards, you’re right, 3 at a time.

Methoxyflavone/Isopopoxyisoflavone 2g per day
HMB 4g per day
Phosphatidyserine 2x per day recommended dose.

Its very costly though

So if you had to choose, you would rather have these than vitamins, essential fats, protein powder, glutamine and creatine, and ZMA?

For long term training I believe you will get more out of Phosphatidylserine because it is a cortisol ‘blocking’ supplement. If you do anything in a job that is manual labor your primary concern will be elevated cortisol levels which will make it very hard to get stronger. HMB I believe will allow you to recover faster from training with heavy weights, and to retain strength when getting ripped. And the Isoflavones in high doses are nothing short of amazing. I don’t even want to say how much they increased my strength.

creatine zma protien

Glutamine worked better for me than creatine for putting on mass. I have to admit I have no idea how much either helped my strength - this was back when I was just trying to put on mass.

It depends on how much they decide to put in each cap. I know one company that puts the whole dose in just 1 cap!

With Creatine the effects are recognizable within a month. The effects of Glutamine aren’t readliy recognizable at any stage in terms of in increase in your strength; however, this is where I decided to trust my peers and take it and I believe the long terms effects did help my strength training!

Can I ask why glutamine? Ive heard glutamine doesnt ever work if it doenst have its other branch chain amino acid’s,
WHy not just get a bcaa product?

I haven’t seen any legit research on Isoflavones and a few ppl that have tried them, reckon they’re just hype. What are your experiences with them?

I don’t really get the “hype” with HMB bearing in mind that Leucine may actually work better -not saying that HMB doesn’t; a friend of mine has done some research on this and that was his conclusion while comparing the two…

  1. omega 3 supps (fish-oil/flax)
  2. whey protein
  3. creatine monohydrate

have dispensed with multi vits after calculating I get more than enough vitamins and minerals just from my diet (mostly from the 1kg vegetables and 1kg fruit I eat in a day).

  1. multi
  2. protein powder
  3. fish oil
  4. ZMA
  5. amino acids