Top 3 "must have supps"

I don’t want to take it continuously and gain unnecessary water weight. Also, when I take it only once or twice a week I can really see the improvements in recovery. When I used to take it continuously I would barely notice any recovery improvements at all. I really don’t think it is necessary to take creatine on a daily basis.

What is ZMA???

I am currently taking, flaxseed Oil, Whey Multivitamin and a calcium/magnesium pill should I be incorporating anything else


You can’t take calcium at the same time as magnesium because they compete with other for absorption. If you’re low on Mg, take it an empty stomach or, at least, 2 hours away from any dairy product.

Do a search anywhere on the internet for ZMA and you’ll find tons of info. There’s also a lot of stuff on this site.


Also you should make sure your multi is not filled with calcium (often the case) b/c this will mitigate Mg uptake if taken at the same time.

This ZMA supplement sounds interesting, none of it is obiviously banned. What is a good brand to do with, oh and what is the purpose of Glutamine ???


You had made a statement that calcium inhibits the uptake of Mg. I have done some investigating and the only thing that I have heard is that it acutally does the opposite. Calcium helps the uptake of Mg. I did find that Iron affects Mg uptake which is why Iron is left out of many multivitamins.

I find it odd because many of the pill found at any nutrition store are almost always a calcium/magnesium pill.


Zinc inhibits the absorbtion of Calcium.

Calcium absorption may be helped by supplementing Mg at the same time–also enhanced by vitamin D, proteins, lactose and some other shit. But it doesn’t work the other way too. If you’re trying to fix an Mg deficiency don’t take calcium at the same time. Large amounts also hinder zinc, manganese, copper and iron absorption in the small intestine.

I remember in my Poliquin Principals book (I’m probably gonna take some heat for that one) Charles stated that Calcium and Magnesium fight for the same receptor site. I assumed he was right but asked a friend of mine who was the pres of a vit company and had his masters in bio-something and said that way down the line in the process it was a possibility.

I don’t know who mentioned the Women’s Ultra Mega but there are many multi’s out there that are better than GNC’s. I know this because I managed one for over a year and saw how much those things were jacked up in price. did you know that their canadian multi’s are made at Jamison’s?

I personally take Trophic’s Mega Multi vitamin a mineral in a capsule. I’ve been to the lab in Penticton and learned the science behind their formula rather than marketing which has kept that company going since the late 60’s.

My top 3 would be

Optimum Whey protein
Fish oils
Multi vit/mineral.

I do also take a creatine supplement called Loader from PVL. Or their Cre-X12.

Blinky’s comment about not taking Creatine everyday, except after a draining workout. Any definition on draining? Above 90% on weights? Above 90% on the sprints? Very good point Blinky (182)!!! I have been searching for more info on the topic. I work with alot of kids, 13-18, who deluge me with creatine q’s. How about at what age should an athlete be using creatine and why? Should a 13 yo who has not developed any physical maturity (deeping of voice, facial hair, ability to put on mature muscle, agility better than a baby deer,etc) be using creatine? Kidney maturity from an chinese oriental medicine perspective? This is another great thread on!!!

  1. Protein
  2. Creatine
  3. Glutamine

Which brands are best?
I’ve used SNAC, which I thought were good. Also USANA and Biotest. Any opinions on quality?

Where can one get Biotest Low Carb Grow? :confused: Bulk Nutrition/1fast400, and some other companies, seem to no longer stock it. Any recommendations???


My group has found Biotest, Syntrax and Cytosport products to be very effective…oh yeah, and xtreme formulations

Uh… directly from t-nation. 21 bucks each.

I’m heading to the site now…thanks

Zma question…what brand do u recommend…what times in the day should i take it and how many times?


As long as it has the SNAC formulation on it, it’s fine… Biotest, ON, ISS Research are just a few that all use that SNAC formulation. You take 3 capsules 30-60 min. before bed. Hope that helped.

Don’t most brands say to take 2 capsules before bed, not 3?