Top 3 "must have supps"

  1. protein powder
  2. multi vit
  3. fish oil (omega3)
  1. Multi Vitamin

  2. Whey Protein

  3. Glutamine

  4. Citrulline Malate

And also, just wanted to say hi, im a new member, 22 year old male track sprinter/long jumper in college, this site so far is awesome, no other has so much jumping/sprinting specific forums with excellent information. THANK YOU

Vitamin B
Lots of Vitamin C
Occasional protien shake (pending on the severity of the workout)


L-Glutamine or BCAA


  1. Multi
  2. Creatine Monohydrate
  3. beta-alanine


Protien Shake

Green Tea

That is it.

Phi ladba repping high honors and boston.
Im beautiful baby! I got the b’s to say it.

Have you all seen the studies on prostate health and supplements. I have. No particular order.

  1. Oxygen. Without this you will die in minutes.

  2. Water. Without this you will dehydrate. Cellular damage is not fun.

2.Veggies fruits anything alkaline in nature or which results in alkaline or higher ph.

3.carbohydrates because the your body hearts it. Unless your a plant or an alien like me from the former planet pluto.

4.protein, glutamine, ect. ect.

5.carl valles supplement

Remember i got b’s to say it. Boston baby.


The top 5 supplements to take (or top 3 if you’re on a budget):

Lol, fjlee posted that same link 2 days ago.

That’s okay, you can’t get enough of a good thing :slight_smile:

Who runs this website?


Whey Protein if your in college
Multvitamin if your not getting it from your food

I reckon the three that have worked for me have been:

  1. Vitamins
  2. Protein
  3. Creatine Monohydrate

Not necessarily in that order, though. I haven’t tried any other creatine system, but the basic one works pretty well for me.

I’ve noted a big emphasis on hematocrit levels and iron supplements, especially with longer sprinters. A question you always get from a coach here is “what’s your hematocrit?”.
I was surprized nobody here mentioned Iron (unless I missed it).

Iron supplementation, like most things really, is only effective if you are deficient. In males at least that is somewhat rare. In women athletes though there may be something to taking an iron supplement just be careful about dosage.

The strange thing is that a good number of male athletes I’ve come across take it… :confused:
Must be “mediterranean anemia” :rolleyes: