Tim leaves Colin Jackson.....

Thoses guys all left JS over money but 70% of something is better than 100% of nothing!
For Britain’s top track bureaucrat to encourage such moronic behaviour by a top athlete (and, by extention, undermining coaching relationships from others) is nothing short of incredible.

I don’t know Collins so I can’t speak to the situaton in the least. Based upon our shared opinions of Brooks Johnson, I am sure that your assesment is quite likely 100% accurate.

As for John Smith, you won’t hear any criticism from me. At the time of their partings I was coaching some contemporaries of Everett, Lewis and Young. My athletes thought all 3 were being extremely short-sighted when they left over money that John had helped them earn.

Yeah, Tim is definitely back with Tony.

I hope there isn’t too much resentment in that relationship!