Tights on Ice

March 15th, 2010
Total Body Focus

Man, I woke up with massive DOMS throughout my entire back, but especially concentrated around my scapulae. My chest was sore as well, but it’s been that way since Friday. I shouldn’t be training, but I want to anyways.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements

Light Plyos

Back Squats (full depth)
2 x 3 @ 300 lbs, 180 sec. rest

Power Snatches (index fingers on rings, minimal dip to catch)
4 x 3 @ 180 lbs, 120 sec. rest

Rhythmic DB Jump Squats
2 x 10 @ (25+25 lbs), 180 sec. rest

Push Ups (hands and feel elevated for extra ROM, close stance, elbows tucked)
4 x (10, 10, 9, 6) & BW + 70 lbs, rest varied

EZ Bar Curls (strict)
Dropset (107 lbs x 8 + 87 lbs x 5 + 67 lbs x 10)


Cool Down:
Shoulder Dislocates

Well, squats were as hard as ever. I don’t know what it is, but my knees won’t handle them. I’m beginning to think a medication I’ve been on might be affecting my knees. My squat has been down since I started taking it.

After that, the snatches went well enough. My back was tired though, and so I cut the volume to prevent myself from wearing it out too badly. I’m going to stick with this weight all of this week before pushing for 185 for sets and reps next week.

Upper body was fine. Big recent PRs on both lifts. My upper body is going to catch up to my lower body quickly. I plan on being 100% better by Wednesday, but if not, I might push back training until Friday. That probably won’t happen, but it’s the plan.

March 17th, 2010
Total Body Focus

My mid back was still tired when I woke up this morning, but the rest of my body felt good. Still, the plan was to take it easy, do some light overhead squats, some upper body work, and just chill out in general. Unfortunately, I suck at following plans. Bodyweight was 208 this morning.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements

Light Plyos

Power Snatches (index fingers on rings, minimal dip to catch)
5 x 3 @ 185 lbs, 120 sec. rest

Rhythmic DB Jump Squats
2 x 10 @ (25+25 lbs), 180 sec. rest

Push Ups (hands and feel elevated for extra ROM, close stance, elbows tucked)
BW x Failure

EZ Bar Curls (strict)


Cool Down:
Shoulder Dislocates

Okay, I said I wasn’t going to leave 180 lbs until next week, but I lied. 185 lbs is kind of a milestone, and if I’m going to be building up from anywhere, it’s here.

Snatches went well. I started to get tired towards the end, but that’s no surprise. Mid back and shoulders need some rest, but my pull is strong.

And upper body work was nothing special. I just a lot of reps of both of my exercises. Damn do I hate high reps.

March 19th, 2010
Total Body Focus

Feeling pretty good. Mid-back is still sore, but I’m feeling good.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements

Light Plyos

Box Jumps
25 total reps

Split Power Snatches (index fingers on rings, minimal dip to catch)
5 x 3 @ 185 lbs, 120 sec. rest

Rhythmic DB Jump Squats
5 x 10 @ (25+25 lbs), 180 sec. rest

Push Ups (hands and feel elevated for extra ROM, close stance, elbows tucked)
BW x Failure x 2

EZ Bar Curls (strict)


Cool Down:
Shoulder Dislocates

I decided to teach myself how to do split snatches today. They feel much more natural than squat snatches to me. I think I might stick with these. Other than that, I put in some extra volume on jumps (weighted and unweighted) today. I might be feeling it tomorrow. Still, I’ve got until Monday to recover.

As for upper body strength, it’s coming along pretty quickly. It should only be a few more weeks before my upper body really starts to blow up. That’s how it usually happens when I reincorporate upper work.

March 24th, 2010
Total Body Focus

My body feels good, but I’m rundown. I’m pretty damn sleep deprived, stressed out, and my weight is down. BW was 206.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements

Light Plyos

Box Jumps
25 total reps

Split Power Snatches (index fingers on rings, minimal dip to catch)
2 x 3 @ 185 lbs, 120 sec. rest

Rhythmic DB Jump Squats
3 x 10 @ (25+25 lbs), 180 sec. rest


Cool Down:
Shoulder Dislocates

Ugh, women weaken the legs…

March 29th, 2010
Total Body Focus

I went to bed before midnight for the first time in memory. I usually get to bed between 1-3 AM and get back up at 6 or so. Needless to say, the rest had me feeling great. Bodyweight was 202.6 lbs.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements

Light Plyos

Power Snatches (index fingers on rings, minimal dip to catch)
7 x 3 @ 175 lbs, 120 sec. rest


BB Work for Upper Body

Cool Down:
Some BW movements

Well, I know one night isn’t enough to fix chronic sleep deprivation, but it’s a start. I’m going to keep trying to get to bed by 10 PM and see how my body responds. The last time I did this was in October and it made my weights take off. Maybe I’ll be smart and stick with it this time.

Were you 220 a couple months ago?

Better step your game up, Fog girlfriend is making up ground. :slight_smile: TDL 8x3x185 @ bw 120. 56sec 400 PR!!!

Just 57 (from HS). She hasn’t run seriously in ~4 years, but if she keeps working, RJ is in trouble ;).

I was holding steady at 214 for a while, but I haven’t been able to keep weight on me for the past few weeks.

And damn, looks like I do have to step up my game. I haven’t ran in so long, but the snow is finally starting to go away. Soon, soon.

Have you ever triple jumped?

Yes, poorly. Why do you ask?

You have good strength to bodyweight ratio and can jump. I thought you might be good at it.

Gotcha. Yeah, I’m a bit too heavy for TJ. Since my bodyweight isn’t going up though, I might end up sprinting this summer anyways. I’ve got a lot more strength and power than ever before, but we’ll see how it goes.

And you haven’t ran in almost a year.

That’s no different than usual.

April 7th, 2010
Total Body Focus

It’s been 9 days since I last trained. I haven’t taken a break this long in my entire training career. I feel good, but I’m not expecting much.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements

Light Plyos

Box Jumps
20 total reps

SL ADA Reverse Landings
20 total reps

Power Snatches (index fingers on rings, minimal dip to catch)
4 x 3 @ 185 lbs, 120 sec. rest

Rhythmic DB Jump Squats
4 x 10 @ (25+25 lbs), 180 sec. rest


Cool Down:
Shoulder Dislocates

Dammit. School, women, personal projects, and life in general have kept me away for too long. Feels good to be back again. I don’t think I’ve lost much strength, but my groove feels a bit off on everything. Oh well, it’ll come back quickly.

I don’t want to take any more break likes this. Hopefully I won’t have to.

Well, training hasn’t been amazing recently, but it will be soon. I just finished with my latest book “Engineering an Athlete,” and let me tell you guys, it blows everything I’ve ever written out of the water, especially as far as application is concerned. Kelly Baggett and I will be selling it on his site soon, so keep your eyes open.

This has been a large source of stress over the last couple months, and now that I’m done with it I’ll be able to get back on track. The weather’s finally starting to turn to. Maybe I will literally be able to get “back on track” in a little while. :smiley:

April 25th, 2010
Lower Body Focus

I’m feeling good. A few joints are a little achy, but that’s to be expected with the medication I’m on.

Warm Up:
Strides (gradually increasing speed)
5 x 100M, walk back rest

2-Point Sprints (in waffles)
1 x 100M @ 13.1 seconds HT (relaxed and easy), 240 sec. rest

3-Point Sprints (in spikes)
5 x 20M @ 95-99%, 120 sec. rest

2-Point Sprints (in spikes)
1 x 200M @ 25.3 seconds HT (relaxed), N/A rest

Cool Down:

I’m pretty sure this was my first time on the track in around 10 months. I can’t believe it’s been that long. Still, despite the layoff, things went surprisingly well.

The temperature was somewhere in the 30s and there was a wicked cross wind, but I like the way my sprints turned out. The 100M in waffles was fast and easy. The starts were powerful. I can definitely feel all of the new strength I’ve built up over the last few months. Technique was good too. I got some video and my leg and hip mechanics look fine. Shoulders and arms might be a little wonky, but everything down below was good. On the 200M, I took it out easy and tried to hold pace the whole way through. I still started to lag at the end though. With the conditions the way they were, I’m not disappointed with a 25.3.

I want to lift weights, but it’s getting late. I’ll probably do something tomorrow.

April 27th, 2010
Lower Body Focus

After my first track session in a long time my feet and calves were crushed. Still are, as a matter of fact. My upper hamstrings are feeling a little rundown too. I need to keep training and get back into a groove though.

Warm Up:
Strides (gradually increasing speed)
4 x 100M, walk back rest

2-Point Sprints (in waffles)
2 x 100M @ high 13s and low 13s HT (relaxed and easy), 180 sec. rest

2-Point Sprints (in spikes)
3 x 100M @ (low 12s, high 11s, low 12s), 180 sec. rest

Cool Down:

My feet and calves were killing me coming into the session, but the pain went away as I warmed up. They’re killing me now, but only my feet were a problem during the session.

My first couple 100s in waffles were fine, but I was breathing hard by the time I switched into my spikes. In spikes, I kept about the same level of effort but the shoes helped me pick up the pace. Low 12 and even high 11s (while tired) were not that bad. I need to keep this type of training up. It’ll bring about my conditioning and sprinting skill at the same time. As soon as my body starts to acclimate this I’ll throw BB-type weights back in.

I’m actually really happy with how things are going right now. I have it in me to go low 11s HT right now, and I’m far from in sprinting shape. This year could be fun. I just need to keep up the longer sprints and higher volumes.

So your warm-up is mainly 100m strides? Are you going to progress the 100m runs to 150 etc??