The Storm 06 XC

Week-5 Sunday
Workout: I did some tiling today, but no real running.

I am sore ALL over.

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Week-6 Monday
Workout: 10 miles easy. 2-Xmen

I ran on my back trails again. And I’m very surprised at how easy this is becoming. I finished my 10 miler today and my legs still had enough juice in them for me to run up a flight of stairs! (Okay I thought I heard my mom say something about “Chocolate”, when it turns out she wanted me to fold some clothes, but…)

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Week-6 Tuesday
Workout: 7 miles easy…ish.

I stacked all my hills today. So my first 15 minutes were straight vertical ouch!, but the run in and of itself was pretty short, so it was only mild. All in all a good run.

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Week-6 Wedsnday
Workout: 11 miles… no way in hell was this “easy”

I stacked all my hills on the first loop, only I then did ANOTHER loop. So it was like my regular 4.5x2+1mile 10 mile run, only I added an extra 1.2 miles to the first loop. Gorsh, I’m glad next week is an unloading week. I’m hoping to hit 15 miles this Friday, which would be a new PR for me.

I am having such a great first 6 weeks. The pace and steadiness of my progression is really reminding me of the winter of my sophomore year, where I put in the GPP that got me into 1:56.73 800m pace. This XC season is looking to be a season to rival that track season. Here I come MOFO’s… Mike is on a warpath. (A 15 mile warpath… WAAANNNNHHH!!!)

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Week-6 Thursday
Workotu: 7 easy miles. 2-X-men

Or they would have been easy, had I not enjoyed a hearty plate-ful of chinese food 20minutes prior to my run. Okay, it wasn’t just a hearty plate. I STUFFED MY FACE, and then tried to run. While running I: Almost fell asleep (which would also involve falling down) ; watched the ground weave back and fourth; stumbled up hills, etc. But the surprising thing was the parts where I was fully conscious were REALLY easy. I was able to blaze the whole run.

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Week-6 Friday
Workout: 15 miles easy.

Oh lord I wish I could say what it’s like to run 15 miles. At least so I could remember it later. The run OUT was longer than my run yesterday. I ran 7.5 miles out. That’s a crazy thing to do. I was tired before I turned around. I actually wanted to keep running forward because that would mean I wouldn’t have to turn around and run back! (thats just one of many ways the brain gets fried.) Also during my run a wrote a childrens book about a little bumble bee. :slight_smile: I’ll write it here for you now. Keep in mind that there will be big pretty illustrations to go with this book too.

Once upon a time there lived a bumble bee. He lived in a big hive that hung in an old oak tree which overlooked the ocean cliffs.
He was a small bumble bee. Every day the older bumble bees would make fun of him because he was so small.

his buzz was so quiet

Okay gotta finish this story later, my girlfriend just showed up.

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Edit: I must say that in retrospect, this is the most off-the-wall ADD post I have ever written or even SEEN on Charlie Francis.

Week-6 Saturday
Workout: ~1:30mins of hiking

I went for a nice hike with my gf today. We had fun, and my dog got wet. heh.

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?? 3000??
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Week-6 Sunday
Workout: 50 minutes easy (50 min route, no watch) 2-X-men

I had to keep my self slow this run. I kept wanting to start blitzing up the hills and flying on the flats. (Always cautious on the downhills, never fast. That’ll roll an ankle) And I did roll my left foot, pretty good. But I iced and asprined, and it’s fine now. Just the top is a bit tender to teh touch.

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Week-7 Monday
Workout: 9 miles hard/easy 2.5-X-men

I started out with the intention of going very hard and testing myself on a 9 mile run. After the halfway point, I realized that my terrain was very godanm demanding. On flat I might have been able to keep a fast pace, but not on the rolling hills, and frequent mountains.

I still pr’ed on a 9 mile, though. ran in 59:56. Which puts me at around 6:40-50 per mile. Nothin’ to be ashamed about :smiley:

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Week-7 Tuesday
Workout: 0

I’m a baaaaad little boy. Well actually I woke up and had to work all day. First I was sweeping and mopping (mopping also includes rubbing all the dried parrot shit off the floor), then I had to go serve/cleanup at a Masonic Dinner… Oh lord today was tiring.
And then my girlfriend forced me to…

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Week-7 Wednsday
Workout: dynamics, 9 easy, 3-X-men

I worked out today. First official day of practice. I wasn’t cleared, but I made a point of showing up and talking with the coach. Next week I’m going to do something that looks like this:

Monday: AM 3miles/PM 9mi Tuesday: 8mi Wedsnday:AM 3mi/PM 9mi Thursday: 8 mi Friday:16 miles Sat/Sun:6mi

I suggested the mile progression, and he liked what I had. Said I was “gettin’ the hang of it.”

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Week-7 Thursday
Workout: 6 easy

All doneon the road.

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Week-7 Friday
Workout: Nada, too busy with the driving and cars etc

First day of Conclave, was very fun.

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Week-7 Saturday
Workout: 12 miles, on the road.

I ran around Sanoma State about 4 times. It’s a small campus, and mainly on roads. I’m very pissed, though. Because I had to ice my arch after the run. It really flared up today. I don’t think I’m going to set foot on the road this year, when I start trainin with the team.

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Week-7 Sunday
Workout: 2 hours of Flag Football

We had no Q-B with an arm. So after we lost our first game, I took over at QB. We used deep route to open up the run, and for some dumbass reason, the laziest guy on the team always rushed the QB. I made 4-5 touchdowns with ease. We went 2-1.

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?? 5000??? Sounds right
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63500 (40 mile week, not bad)

Week-8 Monday
Workout: Nada, I drove up to Yosemite today. It’s very pretty. But my arch hurts, and my legs are ungodly sore from flag football.

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Week-8 Tuesday
Workout: 3 miles easy
I tested my arch out today, while we went hiking up to Lukien Lake or whatever it’s called. On soft surfaces it is a lot better. Still pissed I didn’t do 12 miles yesterday, or 8 today… or that I’m not going to do 12 tomorrow. Anyone have any advice? I want to keep from peaking but the small stops I have to take from my arch are real tough on my steady training schedual.

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Week-8 Wednsday


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Week-8 Thursday

Workout:… More of the same

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Week-8 Friday
Workout: See a pattern here?

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