The Storm 06 XC

Week-3 Sunday
Workout: 9 miles, stretch, cool shower, hot date, sleep.

I ran an out and back in my back trails. I was amazed at how much more energy I have at 1500ft above sea level versus 8000ft above sea level (Sanora). I picked it up like crazy on the way back in my run.

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Weekly Meterage

Week-4 Monday
Workout: compost shoveling, 9 miles (1:04), cool, shower stretches, organize garage

Today was pretty rough. I thought I was going to do about 1:15-1:20, but I started to get hypothermic during my run (dizzy, cold sweat etc) so I turned home. I guess reading my wilderness survival guide immediately before I go do strenous excercise in back trails known for being frequented by mountain lions, and with an ambient temperature of about 98 degrees…Yah, so I “chickened” out just a little bit. During the second bout of manual labor, I felt like I was in slo-mo, on sedatives or something. Heck even my WPM has dropped by about 10-15.

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Week-4 Tuesday
Workout: 45 minutes easy on the beach

I was pretty beat today, I fell asleep almost immediately after coming back from my run today. Good sign? Bad sign? I’ve been gettin’ about 8-10 hours of sleep daily (Sleeping in…heh)

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Week-4 Wedsnday
Workout: 1:05 in my back-trails.

I wanted to hit the flat ground today, but I wasn’t able to get a ride out of the mountains. At least I’ll be able to do my recovery run on the flatlands. Oy vey I hate the hills. My quads are more sore than…

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Week-4 Thursday
Workout: 45 minutes easy flat ground (wilder ranch)

I ran a nice 61/2 mile run up at wilder ranch. It was a very peaceful and cool run. It’s 90ish up here in my mountain retreat (HAh!)… Anyway, I’ve got a DeMolay planning meeting to go to. (P.S. WoW is the devil… But I am still addicted)

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Is sleepiness a sign of overtraining?

Week-4 Friday
Workout: 12 miles easy, with a hard 800m finish (sub 2:30)

Today was a fun workout. I got all the way to the 12 mile marker. There’s a little brown sign at the top with white lettering, which clearly states that you’re at the “Top of the Incline” with such utter certainty that if you had read nothing but the sign you would be convinced that you were in fact at the top of the incline. But because of the fact that I was ACTUALLY standing on the incline, I could ascertain the obvious: that the hill continued it’s ascent for a good 400 meters before it turned around another hill and started another climb.

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What’s your reason for saying this? Why do you suspect overtraining?

Overtraining… well maybe not so much. But I have picked up my training intensity a lot. I wasn’t sure if it was normal to be falling asleep all the time. I know that if I was doing CNS intensive training I’d have to worry about my sprints etc, but with distance running I guess I can get away with a bit more, no?

No! :slight_smile:
Overtraining, as a symptom, appears more frequently with endurance vs. power athletes. I can’t recall reference at the moment -and I can’t find it, as I am away.

Perhaps the swimming coaches of this forum could comment on this…

Introduction of intensive intervals and increased mileage at the same time is not the best strategy anyway, as you well know :wink:

Good luck!

Week-4 Saturday
Workout: 30-40 minutes easy

I didn’t keep a watch on this workout, but I did do a route which would take me about 34-35 minutes to complete without stopping, which I did do. So I just kind of dawdled around. Going to dawdle around tommorrow too.

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So my milage progression for these next 2 weeks is going to look like this.


I need a break, but I don’t like the idea of putting in an 8 mile run immediately after a 12 miler, or right before a 9-miler. So I’ll split em’ up.

Week-4 Sunday
Workout: 39 minutes easy

I felt kinda sluggish today, but not too bad. I ran again the same route I did yesterday

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Week-5 Monday
Workout: 1:10 minutes easy. I did two of the loop I did yesterday (It’s 5 minutes to the loop so the math works out, I guess) I felt real good. My cardio is real strong, and my hill-muscles are just primed. I’m only worried because my right achilles is hurtin’, and my right arch is hurtin’ a little bit. My left achilles right were it meets the bottom of my foot is a tad bit smarting too. I’m going to start ice-foot-baths as soon as i get the ice.

Any thoughts on Arnica?

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Week-5 Tuesday
Workout: … … … …
Note to self: Run BEFORE hot date. You never know how long they will last.

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Edit: The ladies, they like the sushi.

Week-5 Wedsnday
Workout: 10 miles easy, with medium/hard fartleky finish.

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Week-5 Thursday
Workout: 50 minutes easy

I ran in my back hills. IT was COLD! Thank JeBus! IT was COLD!! Oh it’s been so long since I’ve had a run where I didn’t melt midway through the run, and where at the end of the run I had to check make sure I wasn’t suffering from heat-exhaustion…

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Week-5 Friday
Workout: 1:40 minutes easy, with 2:25 800m finish.

Umm… Y ah I just woke up from my post workout 2 hour nap. That was one HELL of a run. I’ll tell you, I’m glad that after the 6 mile marker, the hill flattens out, otherwise, I would not have been able to climb the extra 7:30 up the trail. I didn’t expect to have the run be so long! And I was really glad that my right arch (the classic problem) only started to rear it’s ugly head the last 250meters of the run. I just kinda said “HahA! I beat you, you stupid littler facker. That’s right, I changed my training habits and I got YOUR ass under control”.

Palmtag is happy. But Palmtag has never been more tired in his life. Palmtag is going to go take another nap.

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22500 <— YOWZAA!!
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And college apps… Ugh! I’m going to try and apply to Davis, Stanford, Santa Clara, Berkley, San Jose State, and a couple others, but I’ve already talked with the Davis coach, and he “likes” me. Apperently.

College apps? Isnt it a bit early for that? I only just finalized my list for colleges the other night. I’ve also got Stanford and Berkeley, along with USC, UCLA, UCSB, Duke, Georgetown, and Claremont. However, I dont think I’m getting recruited for athletics like you are :smiley:

Well you’ve got me creamed on the Academics portion. And ONLY if I have a good… GREAT XC season do I think I’ll have a good chance of gettin’ recruited.

I’ve also limited my choices to the schools w/in 150 miles of Oakland… (I want to be close to my girl.) And honestly? That really doesn’t narrow down my choices much. There are some great schools in/around San Jose, Santa Clara, San Francisco, Sacramento, etc.

Week-5 Saturday
Workout: Amtgard for 3 hours. (Roughly 3 hours of light intensity work)

I had a good workout today. I didn’t really run the whole time, but I’m just going to convert it into straight milage.

I’m in some pain right now because the odd angles, and quick crouches required by amtgard. It’s my hammy/glute area. I might take tomorrow totally off.

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Weekly Meterage