The Storm 06 XC

Week-2 Monday
Workout:…I went on a hot date with my ladyfriend. Hot as in there was no shade, and date as in we had a picnic :smiley: I did 3 X-men today.

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Week-2 Tuesday
Workout: 60+ minutes hard/easy up in my back-hills

I’m very pleased today that my right arch didn’t flare up at all. I makes me all giddy inside when I finish a workout and my chronic injuries are under control. On the downside, though, i rolled my left ankle twice in the first 8 minutes of the run. When the sun is trickling through the canopy, a granite rock looks exactly the same as a sunspot on some leaves Grrr… :angry: Luckily, though, I didn’t roll it so bad that I had to stop running. Right now (about an hour later) it’s just a bit sore. I’m going to ice it and take 3-500mg of asprin.

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Watch it out for a bit so it doesn’t happen again, as it gets pretty difficult afterwards…

Flat and dry surfaces, some light jumps on the spot, then balancing exercises, etc just to get the proprioception back.

An elastic band may help in the next couple of workouts, if needed and ice, yes!

Take care!

Week-2 Wedsnday
Workout: 40 minutes on the beach

I wanted to get a solid hour in, but it was getting too dark for my folks to feel comfortable. I was doing the beach laps about 10-15 seconds faster each lap than the last time I’d gone to the beach. Im gettin’ back in shape :smiley:

4 X-men. I’m doubling the sets now.

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Week-2 Thursday
Workout: Paintball… Ouch.


-Both Knees “tore up” from diving, crawling, and kneeling (goodly amount of scabbage, but not a lot of blood)

-Left knuckle “tore up” by shards of paintball (no gloves)

-Back of right hand, paintball scraped, but didn’t explode. (it bled)

-Right wrist, ugly welt

-Left Kidney, ugly welt

-Right kidney uglier welt

-Both Elbows “tore up” from crawling (little blood)

-Ego, extremely bloated from a totally manly flanking menouver that cost the other team 3 men and myself a brutal paint splattery death.

Random Idiot Asks: “Does gettin’ hit w/paintballs hurt??”

The New Mike Says: “Only enough to make you not want to get hit”

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A shiploat
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23000 +A shipload


all nighter

“Walk in The Ligh, my child. For in the Darkness, you trip over socks… and stuff.”

In other words…Huh?

Week-2 Friday
Workout: 10 miles, 2x1.5X-men.

I did a couple hours of yardwork today also. Man I feel like a truck hit me, then backed over me, then parked on top of me while the driver got out to see what he’d hit, only to find out that the truck had stalled and therefore I was stuck under this mans rear axel for a period of many ours. Oh yah, and it turns out he was hauling manuer, so when he pulled out I got horse poo all inside my shirt. It itches pretty bad.

But hey, at least I got a good workout in today

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Palmtag, maybe I’m missing something here, but what is an “X-man”?

Well, I was reading a post by X-man on these sets of bw excercises he recomended to Krasna or someone. But it’s basically 20 pushups 50 situps 10 standing squats all with little rest inbetween. I’ve moved up to 30 pushups 75 situps and 15 squats, but I can only do that twice and a set of regular ones, before I die.

Week-2 Saturday
Workout: 2 hours manual labor, 1 hour, warmup, light stretches, 9 miles, cooldown, heavier stretches, cool/warm shower, 5 hours, 2xX-men

Today was tough. I woke up with my quads still a bit sore from yesterday. I got some good work in today, though. We put in a planter box and I moved more wood ‘round. That’ll make it a total of 4 cords. shudder my quads are sore. Afterwards I got a ride to the fields. My quads were very sore… (Have I already said that?) Anyway a few things I noticed. My left knee feels a bit rickety (probly from taking the extra weight of my “slight” biomechanically imposed limp) and my right arch felt a bit tender come near the end of the run. I wonder if I should take it easy tomorrow? It’d probly be smartest, but… DAnm It’s always so hard to tell yourself to NOT train, when there’s so many voices in your head sayin’ “Looser train winners complain” and “Somewhere out there, there’s a lion getting hit by a Range Rover, and every day another lion is rewarded for sleeping in” or the one I’ve got written on my ceiling… the first thing I see everyday “HARD WORK MAY PAY OFF IN THE FUTURE, PROCRASTINATION ALWAYS PAYS OFF NOW”

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That’s a great line about procrastination! Just wanted to say that the X-men look beastly, and that I am a big fan of the journal.

-Thanks Joe, I appreciate the support I really do. I write this journal mostly for my own reference, but the input and encouragement of other people is what really makes me want to push my detail to the next level.

Wow, I just got back from my DeMolay Leadership Conferance, and man am I beat. I haven’t seen my girl for about 2 1/2 weeks and I need to shower for our “Emergancy Date” so I will post the running I did actually manage to squeeze in up in Sanora (8k feet+)

Week-2 Sunday
Workout: I arrived at Sanora today, but didn’t get a chance to run. Too busy.

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Week-3 Monday
Workout: I haven’t talked with my counselor about running on the trails, yet. But I did have a double session of sports. 7:00-7:40 ExtrEme DoDGEbAlL!, and 10:00-11:00 Ultimate frisbee

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Week-3 Tuesday
Workout: 7 miles, heavy hill at the end, 10:00-11:00 sports Ultimate-Basketball (i’m the only guy that can put the danmable b-ball in the hole.)

We got creamed at B-ball, 'nuff said. I went for a run with one of the Advisors and we had a fun time. I chatted during the entire run, except the last hill, where I ditched him.

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Week-3 Wedsnday
Workout: 10 miles, short swim, fall down-go-die…

We went up to Pinecrest lake today, and I circumnavigated the entire lake. It was a pretty tough run, mainly because the footing was poor (In other words, I played 45 minutes of Hop-Scotch and there rest was reasonable) Today my ankles Etc. are a bit sore. The dynamic trails are tough on them.

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Week-3 Thursday
Workout: 9 miles easy, Ultimate (for an HOUR!! UGH! :eek: )

The advisor wasn’t awake, nor was anyone else in my cabin, so I had to sneak out of the cabin and go for a run on my own. It was flat and mild, except for the last hill which was pretty lengthy.

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Week-3 Friday
Workout: Sleep, Ultimate, b-ball

I slept through my run today, (probly needed it considering that I got on average 4.5 hours of sleep per day this week.

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Week-3 Saturday
Workout: nothin, again’ :frowning:

I slept the entire ride home, and when I got home I went on a date with my girl. We saw “Bewitched” ehh… it’s semi-funny, but not that great.

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