The right time to Max Weights and Fast Movements

until i can see, we have 3 levels of strenght.
So, the 1st is the “normal” people, i mean, normal for a guy that do some weight exercises esporadicaly.
Then, whe have the 2nd level, where we find the guys that are doing fast and heavy weights at the same planing,
then, at the top, we have the 3rd level, that is where only very strong sprinters can tell about.
Is that true ?
Do you believe that Ben´s strenght became so higher because of this kind of train ?

I am not Charlie, but here is my take on your question.

If I understand you correctly, you are asking when, in an athletes developmental career, the athlete is able to utilize max loads and/or implement fast/explosive lifts.

If this is correct, then the answer is obviously a subjective one.

What is certain, however, is that any athlete must develop a base level of inter/intra muscular coordination before they attempt to utilize loads which fall under maximum effort percentages. Additionally, the employment of fast/explosive lifts (OL’s, plyo’s, or any other lift performed explosively WITH MAX LOADS, must be preceeded by not only the development of inter/intramuscular coordination but also a sound technical profficiency in performing the particular lift/drill which is to be executed fast/explosively. However, fast/explosive lifts/drills may be employed at a very early stage in athletic development, as long as one utilizes light/moderate loads.

For most trainees, the utilization of fast/explosive lifts will preceed the utilization of max effort training. This may be observed in the plyometric nature of children at play in a playground (jumping off of jungle gyms, hopping, skipping, etc.) and also with novice lifters or youngsters learning the OL’s.

Is this the type of response you were looking for?


Hum, i guess yes, or maybe 51% percent i could take from you answer,
but, i don´t understand one thing, so, please, correct me if im wrong;
when i´m saying fast lifts i´m talking about 50% of my max load, so, there´s any momento where the athlete just do max load at low speed, maybe not so slow, but a far from fast.

An instance in which an athlete would use primarly max effort percentages, and little or no sub-max loads lifted explosively, would be an athlete who competes/trains for a sport in which RFD/explosive strength and speed are inherent to the skill/event specific component of the training program.

An example of this would be 100m sprinters who are not proficient in OL’s. As Charlie has stated, OL’s/sub-max loads lifted explosivey were relatively absent in Ben Johnson’s weight training program.
