The JB method - Australian pro sprints history

why I cannot visualize anything on this thread?

Because some pro kids from South Australia complained about it threatening with a legal action LOL

It will be continued here;


From Australian Copyright Council

If a book is no longer published, can I copy the whole book for my research?

Generally, yes. However, if you are aware that it is about to be republished within a reasonable time, it is unlikely you can copy the whole book.

Do I have to acknowledge the source of something I quote in my essay?

The Government introduced “moral rights” into the Copyright Act in December 2000, and as a result you need to attribute the author of material you copy, unless it is reasonable not to do so.

In addition, note that many educational institutions expect their students to acknowledge sources in particular ways, and that in many professions and contexts it is expected, as a matter of professional or academic standards, that material will be properly cited.

I would like to submit my thesis to an academic journal for publication. Do I need copyright clearances?

The special research exception will not apply, as the publication is not part of your research.

You do not need a clearance for anything:

* in which copyright has expired (material in the public domain)

* that is less than a “substantial part”
* used for criticism or review, provided the use is fair.

In other cases, you may need a clearance.


“10% rule” for digital Reproducing text in electronic form

* 10% of the number of words; or
* one chapter, if the work is divided into chapters.

If the material is available in hardcopy and separately in electronic form, you can choose which form to use, and apply the relevant test to work out what is deemed to be fair.

I have quoted about 10 pages from Jim’s book. The book has in total about 190 pages. It is LESS than a substantial part".

The material published was used for criticism or review.

Jim isn’t going to republish his autobiography considering his age and lack of interest for the book.

I am not sure how “they are going to sue me” LOL

They have not done their homework obviously, but are rather emotional and keen to keep their myths alive.

I kindly ask the moderator to reinstate the whole thread because the thread WAS NOT in breach of any copyright. Thank you.

For the record I had nothing to do with the thread being deleted and I am not a fan of prorunning.


I know you did not. Youngy did.


Thank you, I’ll read there a bit.

What was the purpose of the thread.