I have the Jane Project DVD - how do i now enter the Jane Project forum discussion thread - it requires a Password
Fantastic DVD by the way - it should be a Must Have item for everybody
Not sure Boldwarrior.
I need to take a look at that as it should not have a password.
Charlie loved this product as I mentioned in the last email I sent out. He felt it was a great way to show people the application of his ideas in real time. He also felt many people overlook simple in place of something complicated and expensive and then use the excuse they can’t do it. This discussion went on between us for years about training and innovating ideas to work around the ideal. I loved Ben telling me ( not so long ago as he helped me at a community charity that Charlie used to do with me / called Mayfair and Angie’s kids helped too/ I have meant to post the photos from May of 2011 as it was very special for me.) how he and Desia, Mark McKoy and Tony Sharpe used to come over to the house and Charlie would do the massages on our living room floor with no table and hand cream. Ben clearly has many fond memories long before I was around and lots of stories I never heard. Anyway, the point is this. Jane Project tells a real story about real training issues all people face at all levels. Great for coaches, trainers, athletes and people who need an understanding how to do things correctly.
thanks for telling us what you thought.
feed back is great.
yes I agree this is a fantastic dvd and a must have and would love to participate in discussion on this as well.
FYI - when i click on the link, the following comes up - Your administrator has required a password to access this forum. Please enter this password now.
Note: This requires cookies!
I would love a dedicated area to post about this DVD - I’ll do a review also.
This biggest thing i have done since watching this DVD is implementing hands on Massage for clients Before a workout, even if only 4-6min long massages. Just to get their thighs or knees or shoulders feeling ready to go. And it’s worked sweet as so far.
Up till recently - i had been doing some basic therapy on people on the floor in the Studio - I have now finished a dedicated room esp for massage
Great product, this feels like you are witness of Jane’s training with Charlie, you are in the situation vs theorical videos (which are complemetary of course).
I would like more information on this video pls. Does it cover real time training as well, from GPP to Comp or is it really on Massage techniques? Thanks
I have just reviewed this product today and will be writing a detailed description.
If I can ask why were you thinking of buying this product?
Yes am thinking which to buy first this one or the 10 day taper period, thats all…
If you’re at the start of the season - then go this one.
If you’re near the race start of the season - then the 10 day taper.
Otherwise - get them both!!
Okay I guess I will. I already have the GPP and the SPP video.