Testing half squats versus Full squats

I could have went all the way down as well but I wanted to try the just below parallel versions first. I was amazed at what a very slight change in technique can cause in terms of muscle groups targetted! :slight_smile:

VG my friend, these are nothing in comparison to Roberto Carlos’ quads…

Now if only soccer-players would start exercising their upper-body’s, maybe we could start seeing some fast ones…

(It has more to do with technique though. I remember one coach always tried to tell me to run with shorter, faster steps;i.e less knee-drive. That I was easily the fastest over any distance didn’t count I guess.)

Well he’s a lot leaner than I am currently, but my legs are no smaller, possibly even bigger :smiley:

Powerlifting style squat with glutes way behind, get my hams and glutes more than full squats, where-as judging by the posts here it seems that most of u guys have more posterior chain stimulas with the full squat.

Is he running through sticks in the picture? If so, then don’t worry, they will train that speed right out of him!