As far as taper-no this is part of my training schedule and yesterday was Day 1 of week 3. I have pasted my post in the CAD post as that may help explain it better.
I have included CAD workouts as part of my current program which is outlined below I really like them. I am on the last day of week 2 (I start my training week on a Saturday) and am very pleased with the reults.
After much consideration I have come up with what I call Constant Inconsistency (CI) which is really just a flash name for a combo of ideas I nicked off the really clever strength coaches. The constant part comes from retaining the same focus strength exercises for 4 weeks the inconsistency comes from changing everything else. Thre are 3 blocks of 5 weeks so it is a 15 week program.
The basic premise is that you use a conjugated approach, which means that you are working on a number of things at once. Rather than focussing solely on increasing bench, squat and deadlift as Westside do CI is aimed at athletes or those who want to train like an athlete.
The Blocks
Weeks 1 -3 use a 4 day weights split, 2 upper and 2 lower days, plus 2 HIIT/ ab days. 1 of each is dedicated to strength focus and the other is either an ascending, descending or a more standard day- these change from week to week and are cycled throughout the program - confused yet?
The strength days have 2 primary lifts which are antagonists. The way lift A is performed changes from week (work to 1RM, 8 x3, above max static holds and waves) no 2 styles are used in the same week for upper and lower, e.g. Upper work to 1RM, lower 8 x 3.
Lift B is performed using Isometric style, timed tension or similar. Lifts C and D are assistance ‘money’ exercises. Lifts B, C and D do not change from week to week. Still with me?
Week 4 has 2 weights and 2 HIIT/ ab days. The weight days use only the 2 focus lifts (eg bench and bor) performed as 5 x 5.
Week 5 has 2 HIIT days using IBUR but as tempo runs – the aim is to finish each sprint portion at the same pace as it started. There is 1 weight day only and this involves an Oly lift, push, pull, a squat performed as a circuit. 3 circuits of 5 reps. Abs are worked that day after the weights.
Week 6 start again but with different focus lifts.
Focus lifts
Block 1
box squat/snatch grip dead, bottom start bench/ bor,
Block 2
snatch grip dead/squat, Chins/dips
Block 3
Bottom satrt squat/GM, dips/chins
It has been designed to fit my environment (my garage) so minimal gear is required, a cage with chin and dip attachments, bench, swiss ball, Oly set, DB’s, sledgehammer and tyre.
I’m pretty sure it will work, if anyone wants to see an overview of how the cycles flow (may be easier than the above) send me a PM with your email addy and I will send it to you.