Tempo work during a Hamstring Twinge

Great insight… thank you rich hand

hope you get it sorted, I had years of hamstring problems, wish I knew then what I know now!

On Friday I tweaked my hamstring on set 2 of some flying 30’s. Our local track was closed for a High School track meet so I was running on grass but in my spikes. I just felt it tighten up so luckily caught it early. Weird thing is there is no pain at all duration palpation and rolling. I can lunge, squat etc. unweighted and slow running. I have a session booked with my therapist on Monday. I am assuming then that is is minor but very deep. Will it be too soon to keep the blood flow by the 10x10m drills mentioned in a previous post tomorrow or wait for the therapist to give me the diagnosis?

Get a diagnosis.

Diagnosis - no tears - minor strain. IMS to release tension in biceps femoris. Told to easy into the rehab of easy runs and drills mentioned in previous posts with icing and keep it lengthened and re treat again next week and see where it is.